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江西师范大学2013届本科毕业设计 题目:基于安卓手机平台的视频播放器的设计与实现 Title:Design and implementation of the Android mobile phone platform video player 学 号: 0908063186 姓 名: 周北平 学 院: 物理与通信电子学院 专 业: 通信工程 指导教师: 刘晓山 完成时间: 2012-4-6 答辩时间: 2012-5-10 摘 要 近年来,随着安卓智能手机的兴起,一款具有个性化的集通讯和娱乐消费为一体的视频播放器是消费者的一个主要需求。随着google推出的安卓手机不断更新,技术也不断的提升和趋于成熟,设计一个好的贴近用户多功能的视频播放器也就变得非常有意义。 文中所介绍的视频播放器是基于安卓手机平台开发的一款多功能的播放器,实现了基本的播放,快进快退停止视频调节音量的功能,用户可以自由拖动那个进度条,调节屏幕缩放比列,设置屏幕背景,设置视频播放模式。任外还有任意级目录,播放列表有缩略图,并且能够排序,最重要的是该播放器还实现了查看天气预报的功能。 该视频播放器选用的开发环境是基于Eclipse和Android ADT 的java代码,使用了surface view控件,安卓四大组件,以及存放数据的sqlite数据库 关键字:Android;视频播放器;安卓四大组件;Eclipse;数据库 Abstract In recent years, with the rise of android smartphones, a set with personalized communications and entertainment consumption as one of the video player is one of the main demand of consumers . As Googles android mobile phone constantly update, the technology is also constantly ascension and mature, to design a good close to user multi-function video player also becomes very meaningful . In this paper, we introduced the video player is based on the android mobile phone platform to develop a versatile player, has realized the basic playback, fast forward retreat quickly stop video volume control function, the user can drag the progress bar, free adjustment screen zoom ratio column, set the background screen, set the video playback mode. Level as there is any directory, playlist has a thumbnail, and the ability to sort, the most important thing is that the player also can realize the function to check the weather forecast The video player selects the development environment is based on Eclipse and Android ADT Java code, using the surface view controls, Android four major components, and sqlite database to store data Keyword: Android; Video player; Android four components; The Eclipse; The database 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u


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