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土地出让价格影响因素实证分析——以北京市土地出让市场2004-2009为例( 曲卫东1 刘晓龙2 (1.中国人民大学公共管理学院 2.中国人民大学财政金融学院,北京100872) 摘要:2000年以来中国大陆房地产市场迅速发展,土地出让方式自2003年7月1日开始转变完全由市场方式配给。从实施市场配置方式开始,土地出让价格也迅速上涨,“地王”频现,引起政府和社会舆论广泛关注。本文选择了北京市2004-2009年出让的住宅以及与住宅相关用地共303块进行实证分析,发现了影响北京土地出让价格的因素和影响方式。拍卖比招标和挂牌能实现更高的土地价格;土地面积、开发状况、区位和时间对土地价格影响显著;用地企业性质对土地价格影响不显著。这些发现对科学合理运用土地出让政策干预房地产市场有积极意义。 关键词:土地出让;土地出让价格;实证分析;北京市 The Determinants of Chinese Urban Land Leasing Prices – The Case of Beijing Weidong Qu1 and Xiaolong Liu2 (1. School of Public Administration, Renmin University of China, 100872, Beijing, China 2. School of Finance, Renmin University of China, 100872, Beijing, China) Abstract: The real estate sector in mainland China has developed quite rapidly since 2000. Starting from July 1,2003, the allocation of leased urban land has moved from closed-door private negotiations to market driven mechanisms, such as public tender, and auction. Since then, the land leasing prices soared dramatically, which were evidenced by the frequent emergence of “land leasing price champions” in urban land leasing market in various cities in China. The soaring land leasing prices also attracted attention from both the government and the vast majority of urban households. This paper investigates the land leasing market in Beijing between 2004 and 2009, and analyzes the driving factors of land leasing prices using a land transaction dataset composed of 303 land leasing transactions. We show that auction is the most profitable way to allocate the urban leased land as compared to public tender and list of quotations. Other driving factors of urban land leasing prices include land area, land development status, location and time of transaction. Moreover, whether the leasee is a private business or state-owned company does not have an impact on the land leasing price. Our results have implications on using the appropriate land leasing policies to manage the urban land leasing market in China. Key Words: Land leasing price; land alloc


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