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摘 要 对于一口产量已经下降了的老油井,需要提高产量,增加经济效益。那么,对采油系统进行优化就显得非常有必要了。本篇设计的目的是通过对一口老油井的原始生产动态数据来设计合理的下泵深度和最高的泵效。 石油开采的第一个流动过程是油气从油层流向井底。它遵循渗流规律。采油过程中,常用油井流入动态来表述这一宏观规律。油井的流入动态是指油井产量和井底流动压力的关系,它反映了油藏向该井供油的能力。油气水的物性参数为以后的计算提供数据支持。 假设对一个出口压力进行迭代根据下泵深度和油压确定大约的出口压力。有杆泵采油机包括游梁式抽油机和地面螺杆泵抽油机,他们都是用抽油杆将地面动力传递给井下泵,因此要求杆必须有相相应的安全载荷。抽油杆柱的设计是为了选择合适的杆柱来确保安全和经济的生产。 根据得到的数据计算抽油机的功率和扭矩,进而对给定的抽油机参数进行比较使抽油机能够安全生产。 关键词:产量,泵效,抽油杆柱,抽油机 Abstract For a production has dropped the old oil, we need to increase production, increase economic efficiency. So, to optimize the system for the oil becomes very necessary. Benpian is designed to pass on an old oil well production performance data of the original design and reasonable depth and the highest pump pump efficiency. The first flow of oil extraction process is the flow of oil and gas from the reservoir bottom. It follows the seepage law. Oil extraction process, commonly used to describe the inflow performance macroscopic laws. Inflow of oil wells and oil production is flowing bottomhole pressure dependence, which reflects the ability of the reservoir to the oil wells. Gas-water physical parameters to provide data for future computing support. Suppose for an outlet pressure to iterate based on the depth and the hydraulic pump outlet pressure to determine approximate. Rod pump extraction machine including beam pumping unit and the ground screw pumping unit, sucker rod They are used to transmit power to the downhole pump ground, thus requiring lever must have the appropriate security phase load. Sucker rod is designed to select the appropriate poles to ensure a safe and economical production. Calculated based on the data obtained pumping power and torque, thereby pumping parameters given comparison of the unit to safety in production. Keywords:yield,pump efficiency,sucker rod,pumping 目 录 前 言 5 第1章 设计内容 7 1.1 原始数据 7 1.2 设计内容及步骤 7 第2章 流体物性参数的计算 9 2.1 井筒温度场计算 9 2.2 流体物性参数 9 第3章 油井流入动态预测 17 3.1 采液指数的计算 17 3.2 绘制IPR曲线 20 3.2.1 IPR曲线的绘制 20 3.1.2确定下


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