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2017-6-14 The Kingdom of Denmark Basic information NAME: The Kingdom of Denmark(丹麦王国) CAPITAL: Copenhagen (哥本哈根) NATIONAL FLAG: Dannebrog(丹尼布洛) NATIONAL SONG:《Der er et yndigt lan》 《有一处好地方》 NATIONAL DAY:Apr.16th NATIONAL FLOWER: Holly (冬青) NATIONAL BIRD: skylark(云雀) 2017-6-14 Holly (冬青) 2017-6-14 skylark(云雀) 2017-6-14 2017-6-14 The National Flag OF DENMARK Denmark is known as the “The Bridge of North-West Europe” (西北欧桥梁), which is located in the Jutland peninsula between the Baltic and northern Europe and the nearby islands . It has an area of 43,080 square kilometers that can be regarded as the smallest Nordic Kingdom. It faces to the North Sea in the west ,near the Baltic in the east, borders with Germany in the south, and it is across Norway, Sweden from the sea in the north. 2017-6-14 2017-6-14 Oresund Bridge (厄勒海峡大桥)was a huge bridge that Denmark and Sweden jointed venture to built. It is a traffic line which crosses the Oresund Strait and connects the Danish capital --Copenhagen and Malmo in Sweden .It is the tenth Bridge in the world. Danish Food 2017-6-14 Danish people and their life 2017-6-14 2017-6-14 Hans Christian Andersen and his fairy tales 2017-6-14 Little mermaid in Andersen’s fairy tale Pretty and kind little princess 丹麦国宝“小美人鱼”雕像——— 她位于丹麦首都哥本哈根市中心东北部的长堤公园 Bicycle culture in Denmark Many countries in the world, people are used giving their lovers a ring or a bunch of flowers as a beautiful gift. However, in some areas of Denmark, people think that it’s lucky to give his fiancée (未婚妻)a wooden club (棒槌)which is engraved with poems. Because the wooden club can bring them fortune and happiness. To our surprise, their preparations for the wedding will be better days but it is held in secret, because the Danes think that if held openly ,it will offend the ghost or arouse their jealousy. Towards the end of the wedding, people carried a large jar (酒缸)of beer to the garden. The bride and the groom handed up


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