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中国海洋大学 博 士 研 究 生 培 养 方 案 (报表) 一级学科名称 管理学 二级学科名称 二级学科代码 120301 培养方案负责人 高强 教授 联系电话 0532电子邮件 gxl6900@ 分管院长签字: 院(系)盖章 填表日期: 年 月 日 二级学科:_农业经济管理_ 英文名称: Agricultural Economic Management 代 码: 120301_ 一、 学科简介 1.学科简介(中文) 农业经济管理是以农业经济学和管理学为基础的管理类学科,在研究发展中与社会学、法学、人口学和有关自然科学等相互交叉和融合。该学科以“三农”问题作为基本研究对象,紧紧围绕农民、农业和农村发展中出现的重点、热点和难点问题开展理论研究。重点研究农业经济理论、农业经济发展、农业政策、农业企业管理、城镇经济发展和海洋资源利用与渔业经济管理等内容。 根据我国农业经济管理实践的需要以及该学科的优势,本专业暂设农业经济理论与政策、沿海农业与陆海一体化发展战略、农业企业管理、城镇经济发展、海洋资源与海洋产业管理、人力资源管理等研究方向。本学科点旨在为国家及地方关于农业经济发展的宏观决策及管理实践提供高层次的理论研究成果,培养高层次的人才。 2.学科简介(英文) Agricultural Economic Management is a management disciplines that bases on agriculture and economic management with research and development in sociology, law, demography and the natural sciences, such as cross-cutting and integration.quot;Three Rural Issuesquot; is the basic research problem of this disciplines,and it focus on the issue of hot spots and difficult those emerg in farmers, agriculture and rural development.Theory focuses on the agricultural economy, agriculture, economic development, agricultural policy, agricultural business management, urban economic development and the use of marine resources and fisheries and other economic management. In order to accordance with the needs of practice, as well as the advantages of the subject, we set specialized field that include agricultural economic theory and policy, coastal land and sea of agriculture and integrated development strategies, agricultural business management, urban economic development, and management of marine resources and the marine industry, human resource management research. Point of the disciplines aimed at providing high-level theoretical research results and training high-level talents to the macro-decision-making and management practices of state and local. 二、培养目标 培养适应我国社会主义现代化建设需要,德智体全面发展的农业经济管理专业的高级专门人才。主要要求是: 1、树立科学的世界观,坚持四项基本原则;热爱祖国、献身农业;遵纪守法、品德优良,具有强烈的事业心和团结协作精神,


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