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摘要 干燥是健康的大敌,它不但会使人体内水分大量流失,造成皮肤紧绷、口干舌燥、唇裂、上火等,还能引起流感、咽喉炎等呼吸道疾病。室内空气干燥,还会对家具、地板、家电等器物造成危害,缩短使用寿命。因此,加湿器的应用越来越广泛。 本次设计是以AT89C52单片机为核心,包含湿度传感器,声光报警等外围辅助设备,使系统能够在单片机的控制下完成对环境湿度信号的采集、转换、控制,可以通过不同的工作模式的选择完成不同湿度的选择,并且在水位较低时会声光报警,及时关闭加湿器,以保护加湿器的安全。此次设计的创新点是定时开机功能的设计,人们可以在上班前设定加湿器开机时间,这样的话,当人们回到家时可以享受到暖暖的湿意,使得加湿器更加智能化、人性化。 关键词:AT89S52;湿度;SHT11温湿度传感器;声光报警;定时开机 Abstract Dry is the healthy archenemy, not only it can cause a human body domestic waters massive outflow, creates the skin to tie tight, to have a parched mouth, the lip crack, gets angry, but also can cause respiratory diseases, flu, pharyngolaryngitis and so on.In room,air drying can to utensils furniture, floor, electrical appliances cause the harm, reduces the service life and so on. Therefore, the humidifier application is more and more widespread. This design is based on AT89C52 monolithic integrated circuit. It contains the periphery supporting facilities, such as humidity sensor, sound and light alarm and so on. Under the monolithic integrated circuit, the design enables the system to complete control to environment humidity signal gathering, transformation, control, and it may complete the different humidity through the different working pattern choice the humidity you wanted. when the water level is low,the designed can bring sound and lignt alarm, closes the humidifier promptly, protects the humidifier the security.This design innovation spot is fixed time the starting function design front, the people may in go to work establish the humidifier starting time, when the people get the home may enjoy to the warm humidity, causes the humidifier intellectualized, the user friendly. Key word: AT89S52; Humidity; SHT11 humiture sensor;Sound and light alarm; Timing boot 目录 第1章 绪论 1 1.1 课题的来源 1 1.2 课题的目的 1 1.3 课题的意义 1 第2章 设计方案 2 2.1总体设计 2 2.2 实现方式 2 第3章 元器件部分 4 3.1 AT89S52单片机 4 3.2 温湿度传感器 5 3.2.1 SHT11温湿度传感器 5 3.2.2 DHT11温湿度传感器 7 3.3 LCD1602液晶显示屏 7 3.4 蜂鸣器


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