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本科毕业论文 大学生高水平运动员训练后恢复肌肉疲劳的综述研究 学生姓名:马东华 指导教师:何劲鹏 所在学院:体育学院 所学专业:体育教育 中国·长春 2015 年5 月 摘 要 如今我国大学生高水平运动员训练后消除肌肉疲劳的方法过于单一,并且很多教练员乃至运动员都忽略了消除肌肉疲劳的过程.因此,对方法对于提高我国大学运动员成绩有着极为重要的现实意义。 关键词:肌肉疲劳 有效手段 生物科学 Abstract After high-level athletes in training will produce muscle fatigue phenomenon, if not properly addressed these muscle fatigue, will lead to athlete training and competition are affected. High level athletes and training of the students because the game is heavy, therefore, a summary of research on the recovery method for improving the performance of college athletes has a very important practical significance. To solve muscle fatigue, we will go from the analysis and understanding of the nature of the causes of muscle fatigue. Muscle contraction process is a complex organism stress and change, the process will produce a series of metabolic changes within the muscle cells in the brain waves generated commands communicated from the spinal cord to the muscle fibers, muscle muscle fibers receive instruction issued final and a variety of other substances to produce ATP, the muscles produce explosive sports such state, when sensory nerve muscle cells in muscle contraction yuan will receive commands, then these nerve messages emitted, the muscles produce force or motion perception and should bowel changes. Based on the above analysis, we pointed out several ways to solve the forefront of muscle fatigue in order to facilitate the reader learn. Keywords: Muscle fatigue ;Effective means;Biological Sciences 目 录 摘 要 II Abstract III 一、前 言 1 1.1 提出问题 1 1.2 国内外研究现状 1 二、研究意义 2 2.1 概念界定 2 2.2 研究意义 3 2.2.1理论研究意义 3 2.2.2现实研究意义 3 2.3研究重点 3 2.4研究难点 3 2.5创新点 3 三、研究对象以及研究方法 3 3.1研究对象 3 3.2研究方法 3 3.2.1文献资料法 3 3.2.2直接观察法 4 3.2.3逻辑分析法 4 四、研究结果与分析法 4 4.1 肌肉疲劳的成因 4 4.2 肌肉疲劳的常见恢复办法 5 4.3 前沿的恢复方法 5 4.3.1 田径训练后消除肌肉疲劳的方法 5 4.3.2 球类训练后消除肌肉疲劳的方法 6 4.3.3 力量训练后消除肌肉疲劳的方法 8 4.3.4 耐力训练后消除肌肉疲劳的方法 9 五、结 论 12 致 谢 13 参考文献 14 一、, 1.1 提出问题 高水平运动员在进行训练后,,本文将结合各种进行全面的分析比对,从而训练后研究与恢复方法的讨论。 .2


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