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stop doing sth. 停止做某事 stop to do sth. 停下来做某事 struggle against 同……作斗争 such as 例如 take away 拿走,夺去;减去,解除 take it easy 别着急,别紧张 take…seriously 认真对待 take action 采取行动 take turns take after 仿效; 在相貌、脾气或性格上相似,相象; 轮流, 依次 take advantage of 利用 take back 收回, 使回忆起 take over 接收,接管, 接任 ; take on 呈现, 具有; 雇用; 承担, 接纳; take in 接受,吸收;了解,理解;欺骗. take……for 把……认为是; ?take pride in… 以…自豪 take a short cut 走捷径 take the place of 代替,取代. take ones place 就位,就座; talk over 商谈, 商量; talk into 说服;劝说某人做某事; take off 脱下,起飞 take ones time 从容,慢慢行动 take out 取出(自动取出装置) ;拔去; take-out 外卖店 take place 发生 take sb. in the arms 搂抱 take the place of 取代,代替 take up 占去,占据(时间、空间);开始从事;拿起(arms),接收. 承担 ; accept [take up] a challenge 接受挑战,应战 talk about / talk of 谈论,议论 turn down 拒绝;调低. turn up 开大,调大(音量等);出现, turn in 交出,上缴;转身进入 turn off 关掉,断开;拐弯 turn on 接通,打开 turn out 制造,生产;结果是 ... ,最后情况是…? turn against 反对 turn over ?翻过来,翻倒;翻身;移交,转交;仔细考虑 ; turn to 查阅;求助于,求教于 turn a blind eye to/on ? (对…)视而不见;熟视无睹 turn a deaf ear to 不愿听,充耳不闻 by turns 轮流地,交替地 in turn 依次,轮流. the more...the more... 越……就越…… the other day 前几天,某日 think about 考虑(是否去做) think of 想起,考虑;认为,看法 thousands of 成千上万,几千 throw away 扔掉,抛弃;错过(机会),浪费(金钱等) too...to 太……以至于不…… try on 试穿,试试看 try out 试验 turn down 关小,调低; 拒绝 turn off 关掉(水、电等); 拐弯,离开…转入另一条路 turn on 打开(水、电视、收音机、灯、煤气等);拧开 turn over 翻动,翻过来,翻倒;移交,转交. turn up (声音)开大,调大;出现,来到, wait for 等候,等待 wake up 醒来 work out 算出,解决; 弄懂,理解;想出,看出,判断;结果是;设计出,制定出. worry about 担心,烦恼 wrap up 包好, 伪装 ;掩饰, 使全神贯注, 围好围巾 write down 写下,记下 write to 写信给…… up and down 上下,来回 used to sth/doing sth. 习惯于 used to do sth. 过去常常 go on 继续 go on doing... 继续干某事,不停地 干某事 had better (do) 最好(做) hand in 上交; 交纳 hand out 分发 have a cold 患感冒 hang on (打电话时)不挂断,等待片刻 hang up 挂断电话 have a gift for 对……有天赋 have a good time 玩得高兴,过得愉快 have classes 上课 have fun with 玩得高兴 have got to 不得不;必须 have to 不得不;必须 hear of 听说,知道 hear from 收到……的来


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