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学习、复习方法 备考误区: 题海战术:本末倒置(Foci on output rather than input) 背词汇:备考就是背词汇,背词汇成为复习的唯一活动;只做历年试题,屡受打击; 阅读理解:要做好阅读理解就必须读懂每一个单词,具备超大的词汇量 没计划:有时间,有心情就看点;几天不看也没关系;有的是不练兵,直奔沙场,只能是落荒而逃。 备考误区: 作文:考前从未练习过。考试时,想到哪写哪,想到啥写啥,无逻辑,更无让阅卷人员赏心悦目之笔,满纸荒唐言,一把辛酸泪。龙飞凤舞者,不忍卒读者,改了涂,涂了改,面目全非。 如何备考 英语学习成为一种习惯: 制定适合自己的学习计划 自控:保证计划的顺利实施,如果没有自控力,更希望学生能参加辅导班,在一天的学习中,老师的讲解学多知识点、语法、学习方法,肯定比自己去玩,或者是随便看看要有效的多。 精读与泛读结合 整理并能灵活运用核心词汇、词组、句型: abandon a family/car/project/hope; abandon himself to despair; 词汇: 重点记核心词汇,如,complete, finish, end, close, conclude, accomplish ,condense, contract, shrink … 词汇记忆要求:在使用中记忆,最好能记忆例句。词汇与结构,完形填空,作文都起着举足轻重的作用。 词汇 记忆时,有重点的记,尤其是核心词汇。 如何掌握单词: 词性、词义、词组、例句、搭配 absorb: ~water/knowledge The book ~s him. ~ed in his work. an ~ing film 搭配: Importance: acquire/assume/attach/be aware of/emphasize/gain in/highlight ~declined/grew/increased vital/utmost/secondary/real 写作 要求:120个词汇左右,30分钟,给出大纲。 You are required to write an essay about how your daily schedule has changed since you became a college student. You should write at least 120 words and base your composition on the outline given below: 1 课堂学习日程 2 业余生活的安排 3 和中学有什么不同 写作建议: 1、记忆一些好的英语词组、句式; 2、避免汉语式的、自造的句子; 3、逻辑清晰; 4、句与句、段与段之间有逻辑关系; 5、有可能,多读一些英语材料 6、练习写作 1、 Have a great influence on ( 对 … 有很大的影响 ) ;play a key role/part in… Computer plays a crucial part in people’s life. 2. There is no denying that + S + V … ( 不可否认的 …) There is no doubt that + 句子 ~~~ ( 毫无疑问的 …) There is no denying that it is very necessary for you to pass the exam for four-year college. 3. So + 形容词 + be + that + 句子 ( 如此 … 以至于 …) : The house is so expensive that I cannot afford. 4. the more, the more… The more you read the book, the more interested you are in it. 5. the reason why… is that… The reason why I am late is that I have a flat tyre. 6. On no account can we + V ~~~ ( 我们绝不能 …) : On no account can we waste natural resources. 7. It is time + S + 过去式 ( 该是 … 的时候了 ) It is time we began study English, mathematics, and computer. 8. When it comes to educat


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