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小马托福阅读材料:气候模型 小马过河为大家准备了“小马托福阅读材料:气候模型”, 供各位备考托福的考生们参考使用,来提高自己的托福成绩!免费咨询电话:400-0123-267   KEYWORDS:全球变暖   全球变暖之-气候模型(双语)   声明:本文图片内容来自与互联网络,旨在调节视觉疲劳,如有版权问题,请致电告知。本文英文阅读文本内容来自于国外英文门户以及资讯资料网站,可能有超语法类的常用正确表达,请大家仔细审阅,注意甄别。   全球变暖指的是在一段时间中,地球的大气和海洋温度上升的现象,主要是指人为因素造成的温度上升。原因很可能是由于温室气体排放过多造成。  The main tools for projecting future climate changes are mathematical models based on physical principles including fluid dynamics, thermodynamics and radiative transfer. Although they attempt to include as many processes as possible, simplifications of the actual climate system are inevitable because of the constraints of available computer power and limitations in knowledge of the climate system. All modern climate models are in fact combinations of models for different parts of the Earth. These include an atmospheric model for air movement, temperature, clouds, and other atmospheric properties; an ocean model that predicts temperature, salt content, and circulation of ocean waters; models for ice cover on land and sea; and a model of heat and moisture transfer from soil and vegetation to the atmosphere. Some models also include treatments of chemical and biological processes.Warming due to increasing levels of greenhouse gases is not an assumption of the models; rather, it is an end result from the interaction of greenhouse gases with radiative transfer and other physical processes in the models.Although much of the variation in model outcomes depends on the greenhouse gas emissions used as inputs, the temperature effect of a specific greenhouse gas concentration (climate sensitivity) varies depending on the model used. The representation of clouds is one of the main sources of uncertainty in present-generation models.   Global climate model projections of future climate most often have used estimates of greenhouse gas emissions from the IPCC Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES). In addition to human-caused emissions, some models also include a simulation of the carbon cy


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