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第五章 句群与段落的翻译 Sentence Groups Paragraphs Sentence Group Sentence group is a term used in composition as well as text analysis. It refers to a grammatical unit between sentence and paragraph, smaller than a paragraph but larger than a sentence. In terms of structure, it may consist of only one sentence or two or more than two sentences devoted to the same theme. A sentence group must be cohesive in structure and coherent in meaning. 句群是一群句子的组合,是大于句子,小于段落的语法单位和表意单位。一个句群起码包含两个以上的句子。 句群中的句子之间紧密联系,前后连贯,共同表达某个中心意思。通常一个句子是中心,表明所在句群的中心思想,其他句子是支撑,围绕中心思想展开叙述、说明、描写、论证或抒情。但有时句群的中心思想也可从组成句子中归纳出来。 英译时注意构成句群的各个句子间的衔接,从而实现译文语义的连贯; 1)增加连接词; S1. 笼里养着两只母鸡,一只爱唱,另一只喜静。︱︱解说主人根据母鸡下蛋之后报唱的现象,以为所有的蛋都是那只唱鸡产的。︱︱因果因此很偏爱它,捉的蟑螂也专喂给它吃。︱︱转折但日子一久,秘密揭穿了,原来那只唱鸡下蛋很少,而不叫的那只却一天一个,且蛋刚落地就一声不吭离开鸡窝,由那只唱鸡在蛋边大喊大叫。 There were two hens in a coop. one was fond of cackling while the other liked to keep quiet. As it is customary for a hen to cackle after laying an egg, the chicken raiser accordingly credited the cackler with all the eggs that have been laid. As a result, he became so partial to his favorite bird that he fed her with every cockroach he caught. With the passing of time, however, it became known that the cackler had in fact laid very few eggs while the non-cackler kept laying one egg a day. Every time, as soon as the latter laid an egg, she quit the coop quietly, leaving the former standing by the newly-laid egg shouting and yelling her head off. S2. 白杨不是平凡的树。它在西北极普遍,不被人重视,就跟北方农民相似:它有极强的生命力,磨折不了,压迫不倒,也跟北方的农民相似。 White poplars are no ordinary trees. But these common trees in Northwest China are as much ignored as our peasants in the North. However, like our peasants in the North, they are budting with vitality and capable of aurviving any hardship or oppression. 2)句间合并:(语义上联系紧密的句子,应并为一句;并句可以避免语言的拖沓和重复,使译文更加严谨、简洁、紧凑,符合英文的表达习惯。 S1. 广东对多数中国人来说曾经是一个特殊并充满神秘感的省份。‖因果这多半是由于它毗邻香港的缘故。 ‖解说自从中国共产党在1949年建立政权以后,香港成为地理上距中国大陆最近而政治制度及意识形态与大陆大相径庭的一个区域。‖因果广东因此成为一个窗口,刺激并满足着中国人


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