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New Words aha ?[ɑ:hɑ:] ? int. used to express surprise or triumph 啊哈(表惊奇或得意) Aha, you cant slip away this time. 哈哈,这回你溜不掉了。 Aha! So this is the boy youve been telling me about. 好呀!原来你跟我讲了半天的就是这个孩子。 anatomy ?[ ??n?t?m?] n. 1 [U] scientific study of the structure of animal bodies 解剖学 We have to do anatomy next term. 我们下学期得学解剖学了。 2 [C] the structure of an organization, process, etc. or the way it works 构造 We studied the anatomy of the snake. 我们研究了蛇的解剖结构。 词汇扩充: 1 anatomical [??n??t?m?kl] adj. 解剖的;解剖学的;结构上的 2 anatomically / -kl?/ adv. 3 anatomist / ??n?t?m?st/ n. 解剖学者 bureaucrat ? [?bju?r?ukr?t] n. an official who works by fixed routine without exercising intelligent judgment 官僚主义者 I suppose my application have been lost by some incompetent bureaucrat. 我估计我的申请书不知道让哪个无能的官僚给弄丢了。 imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat-capitalism 帝国主义、封建主义、官僚资本主义 bureaucratic [ ?bju?r?u?kr?t?k] adj. 官僚制度的; 官僚的; 官僚般的: bureaucratic government 官僚政府 The report revealed a major bureaucratic muddle. 这个报告揭示了官僚作风引起的严重混乱. bureaucratically [ -?kl?; -?kl?] adv. 官僚地,官僚制度地 cartoon [kɑ??tu?n] n. 1 amusing drawing in a newspaper or magazine, esp. one that comments satirically on current events (报刊上的)漫画; (尤指)时事讽刺画. A newspaper cartoon is an amusing drawing, usually about some event in the news. 报纸上的漫画是一种风趣的图画,通常是针对某一件时事的。 2 a film made by photographing a series of gradually changing drawings, giving an illusion of movement 动画片; 卡通片 a Walt Disney cartoon 迪斯尼动画片. cartoonist [kɑ:tu:nist] n. person who draws cartoons 漫画家. clarification [?kl?r?f??ke???n ] n. added information to make something easier to understand 澄清 After I read the clause, I feel it needs some clarification. 读过这一条款之后,我觉得这条需要说明一下。 The whole issue needs clarification. 整个问题都需要澄清。 clarify ? [?kl?r?fa?] v. 1 (cause sth to) become clear or easier to understand (使某事物)清楚易懂; 澄清 clarify a remark, statement 澄清一项意见﹑ 声明 I hope that what I say will clarify the situation. 我希望我说的话能澄清这一情况。 2 remove impuri


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