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Unit 4 理解过程及翻译对策 教学目的要求:通过对翻译过程的回顾,了解“理解”在翻译过程中的重要性以及如何理解英语。 教学重点:英语理解的重点:语境。 教学难点:多义词词义的确定及习语的翻译。 翻译过程的重点:理解 王宗炎: 辨义为翻译之本 。 理解原文的过程是一个十分复杂的过程,是一个语义辨认、语法分析、逻辑分析三者相互作用的过程,是一个根据上下文关系进行推理演绎的过程。(宋天锡,2005:139) He is employed in watering the garden. 他被雇来浇花。// 他忙于浇花。 He is not a majestic personal figure like Roosevelt, and he doesn’t inspire fear like Jonson. 和罗斯福一样,他不是一个代表威严的人物,和约翰逊一样他也不会让人望而生畏。X 他并不像罗斯福是一个代表威严的人物,也不像约翰逊那样让人望而生畏。 2. 英语中常用词、常用短语及习惯用法的理解 1) He completed translating that novel in such short time, which made me jump out of my skin. 大吃一惊 2) The police searched him to no purpose. 警察对他仔细搜身,一无所获(毫无结果)。 3) When she and he met again, each had been married to another. 当他们重逢时,各自与另一个人结婚了。 改译:他们重逢时,一个已经娶妻,一个已经嫁人了。 4) We fanned out across the wood, scanning the ground and branches for anything that might help us find the missing girl. 我们在整个树林里散开(分头寻找),索觅地面和树枝,寻觅任何可能帮助我们找到失踪女孩的线索。 3. 英语句子结构及词与词之间的关系 1) There were reminiscences, as Jerry’s friends reconvened. (meet again) 杰里的朋友重逢时,便谈起许多往事。 2) The approach to the management of foreign exchange reserves by central bankers varies across the globe, ranging from a policy of neglect to detailed and highly mathematical calculations of alternative moves to reduce the risk and increase profitability. 世界各国主要银行家们对外汇交换储备的管理方法不尽相同,有的国家对外汇管理采取某些宽松的政策,有的国家则采取详细计算各种外汇储备的方式,以便减少风险,提高收益。 3)Self-service gasoline has yet to make its appearance here (in Japan) in any significant way. At the minimum, the attendants fill the tank and wipe the windshield. They often empty ashtrays and stop traffic to let the motorist back on the road. 原译: 自助加油站也总要让人看得见的方式来表现自己。服务员起码会帮你灌满油箱和揩拭挡风玻璃。他们经常清除车内的烟灰缸和帮助拦阻来往车辆,让车主把车开回正道。 Self-service gasoline has yet to make its appearance here (in Japan) in any significant way. At the minimum, the attendants fill the tank and wipe the windshield. They often empty ashtrays and stop traffic to let the motorist back on the road. 改译:在这里,真正意义上的自助加油站还没有出现。服务员起码会帮你灌满油箱和揩拭挡风玻璃。他们也会经常清除车内的烟灰缸和帮助拦阻来往车辆,让车


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