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-./012.0 认为,最基本的一些核心期刊是所有学科的文献基础,而绝大多 数重要论文都集中在为数不多的主要期刊中。 SCI对选刊极为重视,它有一个编委会,成员约二十余 人,专门负责筛选期刊。刊物的收录与否主要考虑以下几 个方面:a.期刊出版的基本标准:即刊物是否具有一定的国 际影响;是否提供了足够的信息;是否遵循国际编辑惯例; 刊物能否按时出版。b.编辑内容:即收录的新刊物能否使 SC工资料库更为丰富。c国际化程度:即刊物中论文的作 者和其引文作者是否源于多个国家。为了正确反映国际上 科研活动的全貌,保持不同学科间的平衡,SCI也收录某些 高水平的地区性刊物。d.引文分析:在引文分析中,一个最 重要的测度指本西提影响因子。 57 。但这些入选的核心期刊并非永 远是核心期刊,’ 编委会的主要任 务就是发现和评选出对 ’ 用户有用 的、有前途的新刊,与此同时删除那 些日渐相形见拙的刊物。 为什么我们叫引文索引—这张表的话, Reference,大家很熟悉,写文章,查文献,看文献时,都知道,文章后面的参考文献列表,我们写文献也会把他列上去,这是参考文献的列表 把所有我们看到的,我们看了某专著把专著列上去,,看了某个专利列上去,有一个参考文献的列表, 在SCI里跟其它文献的不同的是什么呢?把参考文献的列表也完整地收录到数据库里去,并且根据它的书目信息编制成索引让你可以来进行检索,, 从而你根据一篇文章的被引用情况展开检索, * First -- “Quality”. Our team of highly qualified and experienced editors select journals for coverage using a stringent and time tested journal selection process, we will take a closer look at the selection process in a moment. Because we are not associated with any primary publishers of academic journals our selection process is unbiased and impartial. We evaluate all types of journals including journals from commercial publishers, academic society journals, open access journals and electronic only journals. * Next -- “Diversity”. The Web of Science is a truly multidisciplinary database of over 8,600 journals in 200 categories. 6,100 of these are in the hard sciences alone, life science, physics, chemistry mathematics etc. This allows you to discover obscure relationships between disciplines and get the complete picture of any particular research topic. It also gives you a broad and even insight into the entire academic publishing community. This is absolutely essential for performing non-biased and systematic research evaluation using bibliometrics. * Next are the “unique capabilities” that are provided within the Web of Science. We have been capturing, unifying and standardising Author Cited References over 55 years, and this allows unique methods of discovery simply not possible in any other literature database. It is possible to navigate


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