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用apply的适当形式填空 In order to further my study abroad, I have (1) applied four universities for postgraduate study. I believe if I (2) apply myself, I can make it. As the saying goes, where there is a will, there is a way. I hope it can (3) apply to me. 7、apply v. 8、pressure n. 根据语境猜词义 (1) He works well under pressure. (2)These old people are unaccustomed to the pressure of modern life. (3)The small box was flattened by the pressure_of the heavy book on it. 根据语义找匹配 A. 压;按;挤;榨 B. 压力;压迫;紧迫;催促 C. 困扰;艰难 (1) B (2) C (3) A 8、pressure n. under the pressure of 在……的压力下,为……所逼 be / come under pressure 受到压力,在压力之下 put pressure on sb. 对……施加压力 短语 8、pressure n. press n. 报刊;新闻界;记者们;通讯社; 新闻舆论;报刊评论 v. 按,压,挤; 熨平(衣服); 催促;催逼;强迫;(极力)劝说 链接 单项填空 (  )Life is tough. In order to lose their __________, some people drink alcohol. A. temper B. mood C. consciousness D. pressure 8、pressure n. D 生活很不容易。许多人为了缓解压力而喝酒。 lose pressure缓解压力。lose ones temper发脾气;mood心境;情绪; consciousness意识。 * Unit5 First aid 1、aid n. v. 根据语境猜词义 (1) The local community aided us in our investigation. (2) He should be able to read this without the aid of a dictionary. (3) A video is a useful aid in the classroom. 根据语义找匹配:A. 帮助,救助,支援 (v.) B. 帮助,救助,援助 (n. ) C. 有辅助作用的事物 (n. ) (1) A (2) B (3) C 1、aid n. v. aid sb. to do sth. 帮助某人做某事 aid sb. in / with…… 在某方面帮助某人 give / offer / carry out first aid 进行急救 go / come to ones aid 援助某人 with the aid of sb. =with ones aid 在某人的帮助下 in aid of 为帮助…… first aid 急救 短语 1、aid n. v. aid / help / assist aid 正式用词,指帮助他人脱离危险或战胜困难,着重强者对急需帮助的弱者的帮助。 assist 强调在提供帮助时,以受助者为主,所给的帮助起第二位或从属的作用。 help 最普通用词,含义广泛。指一般性的或迫切需要的帮助,侧重积极地为他人提供物质、精神或其他方面的帮助。 辨析 1、aid n. v. 用 assist / help / aid的适当形式填空 (1)Can you do the job alone, or do you want someone to assist / help / aid you? (2)She helped him choose some new clothes. (3)An old-fashioned kind of hear


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