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2006 和2010 男子足球世界杯数据统计分析 丁轶建 南京理工大学 南京 210094 摘要:为了研究男子足球竞技水平发展趋势和特点,对2006 年和2010 年男子足 球世界杯前四名队伍的基本情况、运动员来源、得失球和 2010 年世界杯前 16 名队伍的跑动特点进行了统计分析。结果:(1)两届世界杯前四名中有7 只队伍, 6 支欧洲队伍,一支南美队伍。2010 世界杯736 名球员共来自49 个国家55 个联 赛的293 个俱乐部,其中在欧洲联赛效力的球员占到了76%。(2)近两届世界杯 前四名队伍运动员年龄平均在 27.5 岁, 平均年龄 25.3~29.2 岁,平均身高在 182.1cm,180.5~184.5cm。(3)两届世界杯场均失球最少的意大利(0.3 个)和 西班牙(0.29 个)夺得冠军;2010 年世界杯前四名7 场比赛平均进球11.75 个, 失球5.25 个,2010 年世界杯前四名平均负 1.5 场,场均失球0.75 个,均高于 06 年世界杯前四。(4)2010 年世界杯前 16 名,场均每人跑动距离为 10.8km, 平均最高跑速为 30.1km/h。结论:近八年来欧洲队伍代表了世界男子足坛的最 高水平。2010 世界杯竞争更加激烈,前4 名共同特点:攻守平衡,防守强是成 为世界强队的必须;教练唯才是举;在中、前、后场都有公认的核心实力球员, 在欧洲顶级联赛效力;队员发挥稳定;队伍准备充分;整体攻防突出,战术得当 坚定。男子足球对长距离跑动能力和速度要求高,有氧能力是足球运动员的基本 体能要素。 关键词:男子足球;世界杯;竞技水平 The Statistical Analysis of the 2006 and 2010 World Cup Abstract :In order to explore the men soccer competitive development tendency and characteristics, the basic characteristics of the athletes, the goals for and against of the first four teams of the 2006 and 2010 World Cup, and the running characteristics of the first 16 teams of the 2010 World Cup were studied. The results were as follow: (1)During the last two World Cups,there were 7 teams, 1from the South America,6 from the Eurpoe;736 players came from 293 clubs of the 55 leagues of the 49 countries,76% of which came from the Europe. (2)The players were 27.5 years old, 25.3~29.2 years old, 182.1cm, 180.5~184.5cm. (3)The goals for and against of the first 4 teams of the 2010 World Cup were 11.75 and 5.25 by average, which were higher than those of the 2006 World Cup; the first 4 of the 2010 World Cup lost 1.5 games and 0.75 goals averagely, higher than that of the 2006 World Cup. (4)The players of the first 16 teams ran 10.8km averagely with the highest speed at 30.1km/h.Conclusion:In the last 8 years


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