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31 1 Vol. 31, No. 1 2010 2 Journal of Hebei University of Science and T echnology eb.2010 : 2010) C/ Co/ C 1 2 3 1 3 封顺珍 , 咸立芬, 徐 芹, 张明轩 , 崔文元 ( 1.石家庄学院物理学系电气信息工程系, 河北石家庄 050035; 2. 河北科技大学理学院, 河北石家 庄 050018; 3. 河北师范大学物理科学与信息工程学院, 河北石家庄 050016) :室温下, 应用磁控溅射 制备了系列类三明治结构C/ Co/ C 颗粒膜C 靶和Co 靶分别采 用射频溅射和直流对靶溅射模式, 并且随后进行了原位退火在样品制备3 年后再次测量了样品 的微结构和磁特性对比3 年前的测试结果, 发现样品在存放过程中微结构和磁特性有略微改善 通过分析表明, 这主要是由于界面处的非磁性C 原子进一步扩散进磁性Co 颗粒边界, 减弱了磁性 颗粒间的交换相互作用所致 : 纳米颗粒膜; 磁控溅射; 矫顽力 : O4844; O4845 :A Aging effect of microstructure and magnetic properties of C/ Co/ C nanogranular films 1 2 3 1 3 ENG Shunzhen , XIAN Lifen , XU Qin , ZH ANG Mingxuan , CU I Wenyuan ( 1. College of Physics and Electric Information Engineering, Shijiazhuang University, Shijiazhuang H ebei 050035, China; 2. College of Sciences, Hebei University of Science and T echnology, Shijiazhuang Hebei 050018, China; 3. College of Physics Science and Information Engineering, H ebei Normal University, Shijiazhuang Hebei 050016, China) Abstract: Pseudosandw ich nanogranular C/ Co/ C films are prepared by magnetron sputt ering C and Co onto glass substrates at room temperature and subsequent in situ annealing. C and Co targets use an R and DC facing deposition mode respectively. The microstructure and magnetic properties of the samples are measured again after three years. Compared t o that of three years ago, the microstructure and magnetic propert ies slightly improve during placement. It has been found that the change is attributed to the reduction of intergrain interaction, w hich result s from the nonmagnetic C atoms diffusing into th


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