
Design of Broad Band Microstrip Antenna at S Band S波段宽带微带 ....PDF

Design of Broad Band Microstrip Antenna at S Band S波段宽带微带 ....PDF

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Design of Broad Band Microstrip Antenna at S Band S波段宽带微带 ...

Journal of Antennas 天线学报, 2015, 4(3), 17-24 Published Online September 2015 in Hans. /journal/ja /10.12677/ja.2015.43003 Design of Broad Band Microstrip Antenna at S Band Daoyu Wang, Min Wang, Yuan Yuan, Wen Wu JGMT Ministerial Key Laboratory, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing Jiangsu th th th Received: Dec. 9 , 2015; accepted: Dec. 24 , 2015; published: Dec. 29 , 2015 Copyright © 2015 by authors and Hans Publishers Inc. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY). /licenses/by/4.0/ Abstract A broad band microstrip antenna is designed at S band in this paper. The antenna is composed of a differential-fed microstrip patch and a broad band 180˚-phase-shift power divider. The 180˚- phase-shift power divider converts the single feeding port to the differential feeding ports. Then, the bandwidth is broadened by adding air layer and cutting double cross slots on the patch. Due to the differential-feeding structure, the proposed antenna has not only the broad band characteris- tic, but also desirable good radiation performance during the bandwidth such as low cross-pola- rization, symmetric patterns and stable gain. The size of the designed antenna rectangular patch is 45.5 mm × 35.4 mm (W × L). The antenna height is 13.5 mm. The measured results show that an impedance bandwidth from 2.5 to 3.5 GHz, i.e., 33.3%, is achieved. The pattern is quite stable dur- ing the bandwidth. The cross-polarization is under −20 dB. Keywords Microstrip Antenna, Broad Band Bandwidth, Differential Feeding, Low Cross-Polarization, 180˚Phase Shift S波段宽带微带天线设计 王道雨,汪 敏,袁 媛,吴 文 南京理工大学JGMT 国防重点学科实验室,江苏 南京 文章引用: 王道雨, 汪敏, 袁媛, 吴


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