
Householder干扰阻塞法的弱信号DOA估计 - 计算机工程与应用.PDF

Householder干扰阻塞法的弱信号DOA估计 - 计算机工程与应用.PDF

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Householder干扰阻塞法的弱信号DOA估计 - 计算机工程与应用

Computer Engineering and Applications 计算机工程与应用 2013 ,49 (22 ) 231 Householder 干扰阻塞法的弱信号DOA 估计 王 纯,徐婷婷 WANG Chun, XU Tingting 西安建筑科技大学 信息与控制工程学院,西安 710055 School of Information Control Engineering, Xi ’an University of Architecture and Technology, Xi ’an 710055, China WANG Chun, XU Tingting. DOA estimation of weak signal based on Householder jamming jam method. Computer Engi- neering and Applications, 2013, 49 (22 ):231-235. Abstract :When Direction of Arrival (DOA )of strong interference is known or can be accurately estimated, one-dimensional weak signals ’DOA is usually estimated by using jamming jam method. But when employ two-dimensional array, blocking ma- trix such as cascade of sparse matrices is not stable as the change of array geometry. The output signal of blocking matrix require pre-whitening process, which lead to the increasing complexity. Jamming jam method based on Householder transformation is presented, the method can both suppress strong interference and obtain the DOA of weak signals. The form of this blocking ma- trix is stable since it doesn ’t changed along with the array geometry. Moreover, the output signal doesn ’t require pre-whitening process, the method has the characteristics of low complexity and more accuracy. Key words :Direction of Arrival (DOA )estimation; Householder Jamming Jam Method(JJM ); pre-whitening process; weak signal 摘 要:在强干扰来波方向已知或可准确估计的情况下,一维微弱信号的DOA 估计通常采用干扰阻塞的方法,当采用二维 阵型时,该方法阻塞矩阵构建形式随阵型发生变化,且其阻塞输出信号需进行预白化处理,因此计算复杂度较高。提出一 种基于Householder 变换的干扰阻塞法,该方法可有效阻塞强干扰获得微弱信号DOA 信息,阻塞矩阵构建形式固定,不随 阵型发生变化,无需预白化处理,因此具有计算复杂度较低、精度较高的特点。 关键词:来波方向估计;Householder 干扰阻塞法;预白化处理;微弱信号 文献标志码:A 中图分类号:TN957.2 doi :10.3778/j.issn. 1002-8331.1302-0233 1 引言 矩阵,通过对阵列接收数据进行预处理从而抑制空间已知 [9- 10] 在强干扰背景下,采用常规的


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