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第 28 卷 第 2 期 测 绘 学 报 . 28, . 2 V o l N o  1999 年 5 月 A CTA GEODA ET ICA et CA R TO GRA PH ICA S IN ICA M ay, 1999 GPS 观测数据中的仪器偏差 对确定电离层延迟的影响及处理方法 袁运斌 欧吉坤 ( 中国科学院测量与地球物理研究所动力大地测量学开放研究实验室, 武汉, 430077) The effects of In strum en tal Bias in GPS observation s on determ in ing ionospher ic delays and the m ethods of its calibration Yuan Yunb in , O u J ikun ( , , L aboratory of Dy nam ics Geod esy Institu te of Geod esy and Geop hy sics Ch inese A cad em y of S ciences , W uhan , 430077, Ch ina) Abstract T he effects of Instrum ental B ias ( IB ) in GPS observations on determ ining iono spheric delays are analyzed w ith different calculating schem es in detail and som e useful conclusions are draw n. Stability of IB is . also researched w ith the m ethod fo r separating it from iono spheric delays using m ulti day GPS data A n im p roved algo rithm about static real tim e determ ination of iono spheric delays is p resented on the basis of the p redicted values of IB and the technique of real tim e averaging of no ise and w eigh ted adjustm ent of dual P . code and carrier phase m easurem ents Its effectiveness is verified w ith examp les in w h ich the instrum ental



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