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14 6 V o l. 14, N o. 6 2009 6 Journa l o f Im age and G raphics Jun. , 2009 李建伟 胡永健 陈开英 ( , 5 1064 1 , , , , , , ( , Thodi T ian , JBIG : TP3914 : A : 2009 Reversible Data H iding Technique Using D ifferenceH istogram Shifting L I J ianw ei, HU Y ongjian, CHEN Ka iy ing (Collage of A utomation S cience and Eng ineering, South China Un iversity of T echnology, Guangzhou, 5 10641) Abstract Based on the character istics o f difference histog ram s, w e propose a reversible data h iding a lgor ithm us ing d ifference expansion In o rder to decrease the embedd ing d istortion, w e present three schem es, includ ing in terleav ing ly shifting the outer reg ions of the h istogram, div iding the outer reg ions into segm ents by u sing zero po ints, and a pay load dependent ove rflow location m apTh is first schem e is u sed to contro l the number of se lected differences; the second one is u sed to decrease the shifting d istance o f the reg ion m ovem ent; the last one is u sed to genera te a com pact com pressed over flow location m ap T he expe rmi en tal results ver ify tha t, com pared w ith othe r typ ica l reversib le a lgo rithm s in the literatu re ( eg, T hod i et als and T ians a lgor ithm s , the proposed algorithm has better ove ra ll pe rfo rm ance In particu lar, our a lgor ithm has m ore advan tages at lowand m iddleem bedd ing rates K eywords reversible data h id ing, lossless w aterm ark, histog ram shifting, JBIG com press ion , 1


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