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Historical Perspectives on Models and Modeling Michael S. Mahoney Princeton University Historical Perspectives on Models and Modeling Michael S. Mahoney Princeton University Plato’s Original Model paradeigma Corollary result Descartes’ Optics Newton’s Model Newton, Principia (1687), I, 41 Varignon (1700) Lagrange -Analytic Mechanics No drawings are to be found in this work. The methods I set out there require neither constructions nor geometric or mechanical arguments, but only algebraic operations subject to a regular and uniform process. Those who love analysis will take pleasure in seeing mechanics become a new branch of it and will be grateful to me for having thus extended its domain The Classical Model The Classical Model Extended The Classical Model Extended John von Neumann on Models Computational Model Computational Model Robert Rosen on Simulation Lindenmayer Systems Computational Model Computational Model John Holland on Mathematics * 13th DHS-DLMPS Joint Conference Scientific Models: Their Historical and Philosophical Relevance Colby College Science, Technology, and Society Lecture Modeling the heavens geometrically Modeling the world mechanically (analytically) Modeling the world as discrete systems (combinatorially) Mechanical model geometry algebra, calculus Analytical extension Mathematical model (structure Extended model reaching limits, e.g. non-linear DEs Computational modeling of mathematics Computational model Motion of heavens over time Rotation of spheres through angles corresponding to times line of sight Planet at time t 1 Planet at time t 2 Point P on sphere 1 Point P on sphere 2 line of sight how model corresponds to the world how model works how world works how model corresponds to the world j j f W f M S W S’ W S M S’ M = j S W f M j f W S W S’ M = Motion of heavens over time Properties (symptomata) of the hyperbola gnomon’s shadow at time t 2 point P on hyperbola 1 point P on hyperbola 2 Direct measurement gnomon’s shadow at


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