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3.4 力竭后恢复12h,肌糖原含量,其他三组均极显著高于对照组 (P0.01);SDH 活性, 对照组显著高于服药组(P0.05),与运动组无显著性差异,运服组极显著低于运动组和 对照组 (P0.01);MDH 活性,对照组显著低于运动组和服药组(P0.05)并且极显著低于 运服组 (P0.01),运服组极显著高于服药组和运动组 (P0.01);LDH 活性,运服组显著 高于对照组。 4 结论 4.1 运动训练可以提高小鼠股四头肌肌糖原的含量,促进恢复过程中肌糖原的合成,提高 力竭状态下骨骼肌MDH 的活性,提高有氧氧化能力和运动能力。 4.2 单纯服用黄精提取物可以提高小鼠股四头肌糖原的含量,促进恢复过程中肌糖原的合 成,增加力竭即刻和恢复 12h 状态下有氧代谢相关酶MDH 的活性,减缓运动过程中肌细胞 胞浆内SDH 活性的异常升高,说明黄精提取物能够增强机体有氧代谢能力,提高运动能力。 4.3 灌服黄精提取物和运动训练相结合,减缓运动过程中的肌糖原下降的速率,提高肌糖 原运动后的恢复速率,提高安静状态MDH 活性,促进机体有氧代谢,LDH 活性也有所提高, 对无氧代谢能力也有一定作用。 关键词:黄精;股四头肌;能量代谢;肌糖原;SDH;MDH;LDH; 3 Abstract 1. Research purpose By observing the polygonatum sibiricum extract and swimming training in mice quadriceps aerobic oxidation of the marker enzyme for energy systems(SDH and MDH), anaerobic oxidation of marker enzyme(LDH) and muscle glycogen,and to explore the impact of the polygonatum sibiricum extract on energy metabolism in the different states, and taking the Polygonatum extract on exercise performance. Experimental basis for the development and utilization of Polygonatum exeract as sports nutrition supplements. 2. Research Methods Select 8 week old male Kunming mice the number of 128, weighing control in 20 to 24g, provided by the Experimental Animal Center of Shandong Lukang Pharmaceutical. Animal room ventilation well, natural lighting, and strict control of the animal room temperature and humidity were 23-28 ℃ and 40%-65%. Animal feed by the Experimental Animal Center of Shandong Lukang Pharmaceutical, experimental animals drinking water for cold water. The experimental mice were housed separately, eight per cage. One week before the start of the experiment, let the mice were adaptive feeding in the animal room to become familiar with


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