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bubble-like conditions 泡沫现象 luxury real estate 豪华地产业 amount to a systemic risk 成为一个系统风险 red-hot sectors/ cool off 过热的行业/降温,冷却 policy interventions 政策干预 rebound/bouncing back quickly 快速反弹 wreaked havoc on 造成严重后果 straighten it out 摆平 A panoramic view of 全景 construction cranes 起重机 Imminently vulnerable to serious macroeconomic risk. 极易受到宏观经济风险的冲击 being dangerously overheated 过热 the Consumer Price Index 消费者价格指数 inflation can spike quickly 通胀率能很快上扬 the macroeconomic situation 宏观经济形势 a normal market model 正常的经济模型 surging money supply correlates closely with high inflation 过多的货币供应量与高通胀率息息相关 the lions share of liquidity is being funnelled to fixed asset investments 大部分资金流入了固定资产投资项目 an investment boom 投资热 shock the economy into a hard landing 迫使经济硬着陆 a forced credit crunch 借贷紧缩 runaway inflation 失去控制的通胀 concentrated investment outlays 集中的投资支出 upgrading other essential public infrastructure 对其他重要的公共基础设施进行改善 Distribution bottlenecks. 流通瓶颈 a scarcity economy 短缺经济 supply chain disruptions 供应链的中断 the legacy of central planning 计划经济的产物 a surplus economy 盈余经济 chronic industrial overcapacity 长期性行业生产能力过剩 Moderate price rises. 使价格稳和上扬 the media hype 媒体的大肆宣传 corroborates ones observations 与某人的观察一致 inflationary pressures 通胀的压力 bank credit 银行的信贷 fuel frothy investment dynamics 助长了投资的泡沫 a number of extenuating factors 一些情有可原的因素 the promise receded into the future 到未来再兑现承诺 jaw-dropping 令人瞠目结舌 play a limited role 作用有限 the reserve ratio requirement 储备金比例要求 the primary policy lever 主要的政策杠杆 reliance on administrative fiat 依靠行政命令 unemployment dropped to its lowest level in almost 30 years, 失业率降到30年来的最低点 the government posted a budget surplus 政府报告显示预算盈余 the stock market experienced an unprecedented boom. 股票市场经历了前所未有的繁荣景象 grappled with slow growth and other problems 为解决低增长以及其他问题而努力 content with their current status 满足于现状 continued to live in poverty 继续生活在贫困中 Disparities in wealth 财富的不均 The aging of the large post-World War II baby-boom genera


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