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目 录 摘 要 学生宿舍事关学生在校期间的生活品质, 直接或间接地影响到学生的生活、学习和健康成长。学生宿舍的使用面积、布局和设施配置等的设计既要让学生生活舒适,也要方便管理, 同时要考虑成本和收费的平衡, 这些还与所在城市的地域、区位、文化习俗和经济发展水平有关。因此,学生宿舍的设计必须考虑经济性、舒适性和安全性等问题。 本文首先从目前高校学生宿舍的建设情况出发,参阅了多种理论著作。然后,通过对高校学生进行实地走访和问卷调查,了解到目前高校学生宿舍在使用上的一些不合理现象。接着,结合调查分析指出影响宿舍设计的主要因素,提出“以人为本”的设计原则。从学生的经济性、舒适性和安全性各方面因素考虑,也要从学院的投资、收益上来考虑,本问题的定量数据不多,但问题包含的因素及其关系具体而明确。我们运用数学建模中的层次分析法,两两比较列出成对比较矩阵,进而求出相应的最大特征值和权向量。并进行层次单排序、组合总排序及其一致性检验,得出最佳方案。 关键词:宿舍设计 数学建模 层次分析法 ABSTRACT Students dormitory is a matter of students during the period of schools quality of life, directly or indirectly affect students life, learning and healthy growth.The use of students dormitory area, layout and facilities configuration design should not only let students live comfortable, also more convenient management, want to consider the balance of costs and fees at the same time, these also and city geography, location, culture and economic development level.As a result, students dormitory design must consider the problem such as economy, comfort and safety. This article first from the construction situation of current university students dormitory, refer to a wide variety of academic works.Then, through the study of the field visit and questionnaire survey of college students, to understand the current college students dormitory on the use of some unreasonable phenomenon.Then, combining with the investigation and analysis pointed out that the main factors influencing the dormitory design, puts forward the design principle of people-oriented.From the students economy, comfort and safety factors to consider, also want to consider his investment and income of the college, the problem of quantitative data is not much, but the problem contains factors and relationship between specific and clear.We apply mathematical modeling of analytic hierarchy process (ahp), comparing the two list paired comparison matrix, then calculate the maximum eigenvalue and the corresponding weight vector.And hierarchy order, combination


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