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本科毕业论文 基于Android平台的中国象棋网络游戏 陈奕勇 200930740103 指导教师 高月芳 副教授 学院名称 数学与信息学院 专业名称 计算机科学与技术 论文提交日期 2015年4月20日 论文答辩日期 2015年5月9日 摘 要 中国象棋是中国传统棋类游戏中流传和普及最广的棋类之一,发展至今已有二千多年的历史了,堪称中国的国粹。现今中国约有2亿人会下中国象棋,广布全国各地,可见它有着广泛的群众基础。现今的象棋均以楚汉之争为背景,以32颗棋子及一方棋盘,辅以各棋子着棋规则,模拟两军交战的过程。简单的棋规,多变的局势,使得他成为雅俗共赏的竞技项目。 现如今,有关中国象棋的休闲游戏有很多,而作为数量最多的移动终端——手机版本的中国象棋游戏也有不少。本文以基于android平台的中国象棋网络游戏为题,介绍了有关中国象棋游戏的各种实现技术及方法。主要分为两个方面: (1)单机模式:主要介绍如何实现机器的智能着法以及相关的博弈树有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站方法及其剪枝算法; (2)网络对战模式:主要介绍如何构建象棋的网络对战平台及相关的数据传输协议。 此外,本文还进一步介绍了有关象棋游戏的一些功能的实现方法。 关键词:Android 中国象棋 人工智能 网络游戏 Chinese Chess online game based on the Android platform Chen Yiyong (College of Mathematics and Informatics, South China Agricultural University Guangzhou ,510642, China) Abstract: Chinese chess is the most widely spread and popularity in traditional Chinese board game of chess, one of the development has been more than 2000 years of history, is the quintessence of Chinese culture. There are 200 million people in China can play Chinese chess today, Spread all over the country, showing that it has a wide customer base. Chess today is on the background of the war of Chu-Han, with 32 pieces and a chessboard, supplemented rules, simulation of the process of war. Simple Chess rules, changeable situation, making him widely appealing games projects. Today, There’re a lot of casual game about Chinese chess, and as the largest number of mobile terminals - Mobile version of Chinese chess game, there are many. This article to Chinese chess online game based on the Android platform problems, describes the various implementation technologies and methods of Chinese chess game. Mainly divided into two areas: (1)Stand-alone mode: describes how to achieve the machines smart moves , the game tree search method and the pruning algorithm; (2)Online play modes: HYPERLINK javascript:; introduce how to build chess online play platform and related data transfer protocol. In addition, this paper also introduces the implement method of some fu


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