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* 自从“节能减排全民行动”以来,全国各地开展了一系列 主题宣传活动。请你根据下表提供的信息,用英语准备 一份发言稿,向同学们讲述“节能” 主题宣传活动的有关 倡议,并谈谈中学生应如何参与到这一活动中去。 水:…… 行:每月少开一天车 电:…… 食:减少粮食的浪费 书:合理利用旧书 衣:每月至少手洗一次衣服 学校行动 家庭社区活动 有益于经济和社会的 可持续发展 主题活动 意义 参考词汇:可持续发展 sustainable development 自来水 tap water 评分标准:句子结构准确, 信息内容完整, 篇章结构连贯。 Good afternoon, everyone! Since the National energy-saving and Pollutant-reducing Campaign was launched, a variety of public and education activities have been conducted across the country. People all over the country are taking part in the campaign, which is beneficial to the sustainable/ continuous development of the economy and society. People are called on to wash clothes by hand at least once a month to save water and to reduce the waste of food. Moreover, it is helpful for car owners not to drive their cars but walk or use public transportation one day per month. As middle school students, we can recycle resources by giving the used books to lower-grade students. Besides, it is quite advisable to turn off tap water and cut down the amount of electricity we use by turning off the lights when we leave the classrooms. Remember it won’t help much just standing here and talking. Let’s do it now. 世界会变得更美好。 原因:教育将会受到更多的关注。 结果:下一代人的知识更丰富,公共秩序更好。 原因:已意识到保护环境和野生动物的重要性。 结果:青山绿水。 原因:对宇宙有了更多的了解,定居其它星球。 结果:争夺能源和土地的战争将会减少。 Good morning, everyone! The topic of my speech today is “The world in 100 years”. I believe the world will be a better place in 100 years for the following reasons. Firstly, with the fast development of society, more attention will be paid to education, which will result in the next generation’s greater knowledge and better public order. Secondly, people today have realized the importance of protecting the environment and wildlife. There is no doubt that there will be green mountains and clean water on the future earth. Thirdly, with more of the universe to be explored in 100 years, human beings might be able to settle down on other p


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