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Human domination of Earth’s ecosystems-英文文献
Human Domination of Earths Ecosystems
Peter M. Vitousek, Harold A. Mooney, Jane Lubchenco, Jerry M. Melillo
Human alteration of Earth is substantial and growing. Between one-third and one-half interact with the atmosphere, with aquatic
of the land surface has been transformed by human action; the carbon dioxide con- systems, and with surrounding land. More-
centration in the atmosphere has increased by nearly 30 percent since the beginning of over, land trallsformation interacts strongly
the Industrial Revolution; more atmospheric nitrogen is fixed by humanity than by all with most other components of global en-
natural terrestrial sources combined; more than half of all accessible surface fresh water rironmental change.
is put to use by humanity; and about one-quarter of the bird species on Earth have been T h e measurement of land transforma-
driven to extinction. By these and other standards, it is clear that we live on a human- tion o n a global scale is challenging; chang-
dominated planet. es can be measured more or less straightfor-
wardly at a eiven site, but it is difficult to
aggregate these changes regionally and glo-
ballv. In contrast to analvses of human al-
A11 organisms modify th
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- Evolving Neural Networks through Augmenting Topologies-英文文献.pdf
- Exact Sampling with Coupled Markov Chains and Applications to Statistical Mechanics-英文文献.pdf
- Exchange rate dynamics redux-英文文献.pdf
- Example-based learning for view-based human face detection-英文文献.pdf
- Expectations and the Neutrality of Money-英文文献.pdf
- Error and attack tolerance of complex networks-英文文献.pdf
- Expected stock returns and volatility-英文文献.pdf
- Experimental Estimates of Education Production Functions-英文文献.pdf
- Experiments with a New Boosting Algorithm-英文文献.pdf
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