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48 4 Aug. 2010 2010 8 Chem icalFertilizer Design # 37# 壳牌粉煤气化装置高温高压飞灰过滤器 的使用与维护 , (, 458000) : 介绍了壳牌粉煤气化装置高温高压飞灰过滤器的结构形式及作用; 分析了其投用 存在的主要问题及原 因; 从设备安装开停车操作监控等方面简述了飞灰过滤器的使用方法及维护措施 : 壳牌粉煤气化装置;飞灰过滤器; 故障;使用;维护 : T 051. 8 : B : 1004- 8901( 2010) 04- 0037- 04 U sage andM ain tenance for H igh P ressure and H igh Tem peratu re Fly A sh F ilter of Shell Pulver ized Coa l Gasification P lant LIYa-dong, WANG K e-yun (H ebi Coa l E lectrici ty S tock C omp any L td. , H ebiH enan 458000 C hina ) Abstract Authorhas introduced the structure typeand function for high pressure and high temperature fly ash filter in Shell pulverized coal gasifica- tion plant; has analyzed the ex isted problems and reason after putting into operation; and has briefly described the application method and maintenance measures for fly ash filter from aspects of installation, start- up and shutdown and operation control and supervision etc. K ey w ords Shell pulverized coal gasification plant; fly ash filter; failure; usage; maintenance Cr-Mo 304 L, , , 24, , 1 152 24, 148 , , , 100mm 1, D o / , 2 D i @L = 60/40@ 1520mm, 314. 9m , , , , 1 1 , , , , ,


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