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The greatest power you possess for succeeding in life is your understanding that life gives you a fresh start any moment you choose to start fresh. Youve only to test the truth of this fact about the newness of life to discover the incredible freedom that waits for you just behind it. Nothing that stood in your way before stands there now in the same way. Its all new, even if you cant as yet see it that way. 你所拥有的取得人生成功最大得法宝就是你领悟到:任何时候你选择重新开始,生活都总能给你一个崭新的开端。 要发现生活背后等待着你的无穷自由,只有去验证生活中新事物的真相。 以往任何不能阻止你前行的事物现在以相同方式出现却能组织你前行。即使你还没有发觉它已经完全是崭新的了。?? he United States Central Bank has cut interest rates. Policy makers of the Federal Reserve【联邦储备局】lowered the banks main interest rate by one half percentage point to six percent. The goal is to prevent the economy from slowing down too much. The Federal Reserve policy makers noted a continuing1) drop in sales and production. Their decision to lower the cost of borrowing money was not expected at this time. Financial markets rose sharply2) after the announcement. 美国中央银行进行了减息。联储立法人员将银行利率下调了1.5个百分点至6%,其目的主要是阻止经济的急速下滑。联储立法人员指出生产与销售将持续降低,预计目前不会做出降低贷款成本的决定。消息公布后金融市场急速回升。 “There is much debate as to the best kind of education for students today.? Some think private schools are tops. A lot of money goes into these schools and the programs are usually of a high quality, yet the tuition fees are often more than the average person can afford. Others think that given a good administration and teachers who care, public schools can offer good educations as well. One problem is that classes in public schools tend to have many more students than private schools, and therefore individual attention can sometimes suffer. Generally, however, quality is based on the individual schools and student interests rather than whether the schools are publicly or privately funded.” 当今,关于什么才是给予学生的最好的教育这个问题是有很大争议的。有些人认为私立学校是首选。这些学校聚集了大批资金,因而通常有着较高的教学质量。然而学费却不是一般人能够支付得起的。另有些人则认为如果学校管理较好,老师也负责任的话,公立学校同样也能够提供良好的教育环境。问题之一是公立学校的班级人数往往比私立学校的多,因而,个人受注意的程度便会降低。然而,一般


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