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难治性感染性休克的ECMO治疗;全身炎症反应综合症(SIRS) 脓毒症: ( 可能或已有的) 感染引起的全身炎症反应。 严重脓毒症: 脓毒症所致的组织低灌注或器官功能障碍。 脓毒性休克:脓毒症所致低血压,虽经液体复苏后仍无法逆转。 ;de?ned as evidence of organ hypoperfusion (extensive skin mottling, progressive lactic acidosis, oliguria or altered mental status) , despite adequate intravascular volume and the inability to maintain meanarterial pressure 65 mmHg despite infusion of very high-dosecatecholamines (norepinephrine 1 μg/kg/min, dopamine 20μg/kg/min or epinephrine 1 μg/kg/min with dobutamine 20μg/kg/min) ;感染性休克流行病学;需在 3 小时内完成的项目 1) 检测血乳酸水平 2) 应用抗生素前获取血液培养标本 3) 使用广谱抗生素 4) 低血压或血乳酸 ≥ 4mmol/L 时,按 30 mL/kg 给予晶体液需在 6 小时内完成的项目 5) 应用血管升压药 ( 对早期液体复苏无效的低血压) 维持平均动脉压 (MAP) ≥ 65 mm Hg 6) 当经过容量复苏后仍持续性低血压 (即脓毒性休克) 或早期血乳酸 ≥ 4 mmol/L (36 mg/dL) 时:测量中心静脉压 (CVP)测量中心静脉血氧饱和度(Scvo2) 7) 如果早期血乳酸水平升高,应重复进行测量;严重脓毒症/脓毒症休克早期治疗目标;;最初 6 小时应达到的生理标准作为复苏目标,可使患者 28 天死亡率降低 15.9%。此治疗策略称为早期目标指导性输液治疗(49.2% VS 33.3%)。 一项涉及 314 名严重脓毒症患者的8个多中心的研究显示在按照早期目标治疗后患者的 28 天死亡率降低了 17.7%(42.5% VS 24.8%) ;The effect of vasopressin on gastric perfusion in catecholamine-dependent patients in septic shock.?Chest.?2003;124:?2256–2260 ; ECMO的应用;相关指南;;新生儿和小儿中的应用;636842例患者;Extracorporeal therapies in pediatric severe sepsis: findings from the pediatric health-care information system Ruth et al. Critical Care (2015) 19:397 ;Pediatr Crit Care Med 2007 Vol. 8, No. 5;DISCUSSION The bene?ts include maintaining a substantially higher circuit blood ?ow Avoiding the potentially detrimental effects of left ventricular blood entering the aorta in patients with severe lung;Pediatr Crit Care Med 2011 Vol. 12;RESULTS Eight (35%) patients suffered cardiac arrest and required external cardiacmassage before ECMO. Eighteen (78%) patients survived to be decannulated off ECMO, and 17 (74%) children survived to hospital discharge. Higher pre-ECMO arterial lactate levels were associated with increased mortality (11.7 mmol/



