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中药学专业(四年制)本科人才培养计划 Undergraduate Program for Specialty in Chinese Materia Medica (4-year’s schooling) 一、培养目标 Ⅰ. Educational Objectives 本专业培养能将现代药学研究手段与传统中医药理论有机结合,适应中药现代化需求的高层次中药学人才。 This program aims at cultivating talents in Chinese material medica of high quality capable of combining the modern research approaches of pharmacy with the theories of traditional Chinese medicine organically to adapt to social services and market demands in accordance with the modernization of Chinese material medica. 二、基本规格要求 II.Basic standard required 本专业毕业生应具有扎实的现代医药学基础知识,掌握中药学专业知识和技能,具备从事中药及其制剂的研究开发、生产、中药质量检验及管理的初步能力,毕业后能从事中药研究、中药生产、中药质量检验与监督管理、中药使用等工作。 毕业生应获得以下的态度、知识和技能: Students of this specialty should have profound basic knowledge of modern medicine and pharmacy, master the knowledge and techniques of Chinese material medica, and possess the preliminary ability of pursuing drug development, manufacturing, quality control and management. They will be eligible for engaging in these fields after graduation. Graduates should acquire the following morals, knowledge and abilities: 态 度 要 求 1.树立科学的世界观、人生观和价值观,具有爱国主义和集体主义精神,愿为中药学事业的继承和发展贡献力量。 2.树立使用现代社会最优、最进步的中药专业知识和技术为病人提供合格药品的思想道德观念。 3.认识到以病人为本,以健康为本,一切执业活动围绕病人的健康展开的工作职责,以确保生产、销售、配发、使用的中药安全、有效、经济、合理。 4.遵守行业道德,坚决制止生产、出售、使用假药、伪劣药物的行为。 5.具有对技术精益求精的精神,对工作、事业极端负责。 6.坚持社会效益和经济效益并重的原则。 7.树立正确的医学伦理观念,尊重个人信仰,尊重每一个人,理解其人文背景及文化价值。 8.树立终身学习观念,充分认识到不断自我完善和接受继续教育的重要性。 9.具有创新精神和有敢于怀疑、敢于分析批判的精神,具有为新知识的产生,新技能的发现做出贡献的精神。 10.尊重同仁,增强团队意识。 11.树立法制观念,在职业活动中坚持原则,敢于维护人民健康利益。 Attitude requirements Establish scientific outlook on world, life and values, have patriotism and collectivism spirits, and wish to contribute to the inheritance and development of Chinese material medica. Create the concept of applying the advanced expertise and techniques of the modern pharmacy to provide patients with qualified drugs. Take the patients and their health as the prior responsibility, focus all professional activities on the benefits of patients and their hea


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