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3.1 GPA Transparency and Procedural Rules GPA 透明度及程序性规则 Key requirements 主要规定 * What is this presentation about? 本次讲演的内容是什么 The Purpose of the GPA and its rules GPA的目的及其规则 Provisions on transparency and procedural rules in the revised GPA GPA修改本中的透明度条款和程序性规定 Basic principles 基本原则 Key requirements 主要规定 Concluding remarks 结束语 Open document GPA/W/313 The purpose of the GPA and its rules GPA的目的及其规则 Goals: What? 目标:是什么? Open covered pro-curement markets to international com-petition 开放涵盖政府采购市场迎接国际竞争 Integrity and predictability of pro-curement systems 采购体制的公正性和可预见性 Measures – How? 措施-如何做到? Transparency and procedural rules透明度和程序性规则 Enforcement mechanisms 执行机制 Coverage definition, coverage commitments 覆盖范围定义及涵盖范围承诺 * * The basic principles 基本原则 Transparency 透明度 Publishing of notices, tender documentation, awards 公布通知、招标文件和中标书 Open access for suppliers 对供应商开放 Accessibility of electronic information 可以获得电子信息 Non-discrimination 非歧视 National treatment 国民待遇 Most Favoured Nation Principle (Non-discrimination among GPA Parties) 最惠国原则(给予GPA参加方之间的非歧视待遇) No offsets in principle原则上不设补偿措施 Offsets for developing countries subject to negotiations 发展中国家采取补偿措施须经谈判 * Basic types of procurement 采购的基本类型 Open tendering procedures 公开招标程序 All interested suppliers may submit tenders 所有感兴趣的供应商均可投标 Selective tendering procedures 选择性招标程序 Only qualified suppliers may submit tenders 只有合格供应商方可投标 Limited tendering procedures 有限招标程序 Entity chooses which suppliers are contacted 采购实体选择与哪些供应商缔结合同。 Exception! Only in special circumstances 例外!仅限特殊情况 Different degrees of openness 不同的开放程度 Depending on purpose of procurement 视采购目的而定 * Overview: Procurement Procedures 采购程序综述 Notice as invitation to participate 作为邀请参加的通知 Notice of intended/planned procurement + Summary notice 意向性/计划采购通知 + 简易通知 Selection/Qualification of suppliers 选择及供应商资格 For selective tendering only 仅限于选择性招标 Tender documentation 招标文件 Opening/Submission/Receipt of tenders 开标、投标、接受标书 Negotiation (optional) 谈判(选择性) Award of Contracts


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