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摘 要 纳税筹划(taxPlanning)主要是指在国家政策的许可下,按照税收法律法规的立法导向,通过对筹资、经营、投资、理财等活动进行合理的事前筹划和安排,取得“节税”(taxsaving)效益,最终实现企业利润最大化和企业价值最大化的一种经济活动。本文对纳税筹划的概念、纳税筹划产生的原因,实施纳税筹划在我国企业中的必要性及可行性我们的企业要想在这样的环境中生存,必须拥有自己独特的竞争优势,与此同时,当前世界各国在经济发展上存有不同的政策倾向性,以及在不同地区和不同行业之间存在很大的税收政策差异性,这些都为纳税筹划提供了广阔的空间和条件。 ABSTRACT Tax planning (taxPlanning) mainly refers to the leave of national policy, legislation and regulations in accordance with tax laws and guidance on financing, business, investment, finance and other activities to reasonable advance planning and arrangements made Tax (taxsaving) efficiency, and ultimately maximize profits and enterprise value maximization of an economic activity. In this paper, the concept of tax planning, tax planning causes, the implementation of tax planning in Chinas enterprises the necessity and feasibility of the status of tax planning and other aspects are introduced, and made for some aspects of which should be noted problem and the corresponding improvement. Chinas successful accession to the WTO, Increasingly fierce competition among enterprises under such an economic background, our enterprises are to survive in this environment, must have its own unique competitive advantage, at the same time, the current economic development of countries in the world there are different policy orientation, and between different regions and different industries there is a big difference between tax policy, tax planning these have provided a broad space and conditions. Key words:tax planning 目 录 摘要 Ⅰ Abstract Ⅱ 一、前言 (一) 本研究的目的及意义 (二)国内外研究文献综述 (三)本研究的主要内容 二、纳税筹划的基本理论 2 (一)纳税筹划的概念 2 (二)纳税筹划产生的原因 5 1.国内纳税筹划产生的原因 3 2. 国外纳税筹划产生的原因 4 (三)实施纳税筹划的必要性 (四)实施纳税筹划的可行性 三、企业纳税筹划的现状 (一)企业纳税筹划起步较晚 (二)企业纳税筹划的地位有所提升 四、目前我国企业进行纳税筹划存在的问题 7 (一)税收环境不完善 8 (二)市场需求不大 8 (三)中介机构规模不大且缺乏人才 8 (四)观念上存在误区 8 (五)企业管理水平不高 五、加快发展纳税筹划的建议 9 (一)改善税收环境 9 (二)完善法规并加大市场需求 9 (三)重视纳税人才的培养 9 (四)纳税筹划要树立正确意识 10 (五)加强纳税筹划管理 六、纳税筹划发展前景展望 14 结论 43 致谢 43 参考文献 44 附录一 45 附录二 45 一、前


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