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摘 要 刮板输送机是矿山运输机械的重要组成部分。刮板输送机的设计制造涵盖了运动转换、动力传输、变速机构、铸锻件结构设计等机械设计与制造工艺内容。经过分析,选择刮板输送机作为我们的毕业设计选题,能够比较全面的运用所学习知识和技能,综合应用机械设计的分析计算、结构选择、绘图技能和机械制造基础知识,对我们的所学知识进行概括总结,对我们的综合应用知识能力进行一次强化训练并获得提升,都是有益的。 本设计以煤矿实际运输条件为依据,以训练提高质量,降低成本,优化设计ABSTRACT Scraper conveyor transport Mine is an important component of the machinery. Scraper conveyor covers the design and manufacture of the campaign conversion, power transmission, speed, Zhu Duanjian structural design, and other mechanical design and manufacturing process elements. After analysis, the choice scraper conveyor as part of our graduation project topics, to a more comprehensive study by the application of knowledge and skills, comprehensive application of mechanical design analysis, the structure of choice, mapping skills and basic knowledge of machinery manufacturing, by our A summary of knowledge, to our knowledge of the comprehensive application of an enhanced capability to conduct training and enhanced, are all appropriate. The mine design is based on the actual conditions of transport to training to increase the overall design capability for the purpose, as far as possible in the design of a new design concept and design, select a more reasonable structure and technical parameters, and strive to improve the quality scraper conveyor , Lower production costs, the full absorption study Shun Machinery Plant existing scraper conveyor design experience on the basis of reference to the relevant design information, access to mechanical design manual and other tools, mechanical engineering design in accordance with the procedures, practices and technical specifications The design. The main design of the main research questions are: Mine scraper conveyor of the type and properties, mine ore scraper conveyor of the overall selection, the optimization reducer, scraper chain of design, coupled with the hydraulic selection, and so on , To design a practical application requirements. Through this design, training their own research an


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