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长春公共关系学院 毕 业 设 计(论 文) 格力公司营销渠道策略分析 姓 名 赵娜 系 别 公共关系 专 业 公共关系 班 级 0916 指导教师 陈春明 2011 年 11 月 24 日 格力空调分销渠道策略分析 [摘要本文通过对格力空调分销渠道的挑战分析格力分销渠道模式现状分析及格力渠道模式分析提出了格力空调分销渠道重构的建议具体包括继续保持生产厂家与经销大户的利益捆绑维持高密度的渠道促销政策扶持弱小的经销商加强对销售终端的重视拓宽分销渠道等作为我国家电行业龙头企业的如何清楚地认识渠道的发展趋势和结构变化,并采取相应的措施适应或改变渠道,就成为分销渠道的核心问题。为完善我国企业分销渠道提Gree Air Conditonor distribution channel strategy analysis [Abstract] Based on the challenges of Gree air distribution channel analysis, distribution channel mode Gree Gree Channel Model Status and analysis of associated costs,combined with examples of Gree air-conditioning distribution channels, Gree air-conditioning in the analysis of distribution channels Gree air-conditioning also made on the reconstruction of the proposed distribution channels, specifically including; manufacturers and distributors to maintain the interests of large bundles; maintain a high density of channel marketing policy; support small dealers; strengthen the importance of sale terminals; expand distribution channels; establish channels of power, the implementation of pull strategy; improve distribution channels strategy. As a leading Chinese home appliance industry, Gree air-conditioning business to clearly understand the development trend and structure of the channel changes, and to take appropriate measures to adapt or change channels, distribution channels has become the core of Gree. With the increasingly fierce market competition, market distribution channels, the success of the business success or failure will be a watershed. Hope that through the analysis of distribution channels, Gree air-conditioning distribution channels can contribute to development of the theory, also can improve the distribution channels of Chinese enterprises to provide a useful reference. [Key words] Gree Air Conditioning;Distribution channels;Channel Strategy 目 录 一、格力空调的概况 1 二、格力空调分销渠道的现状 1 (一)格力空调分销渠道发展过程 2 (二)目前格力空调分销渠道 3 1.百货商场家电部 3 2.批发商 3 3.品牌专卖店 3 4.国外连锁超市 4 5.国内家电连锁 4 6.区域销售公司 4


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