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2. 科学的探索、知识的追求,使人类获得了避免天灾人祸的实力。 【译文1】Scientific exploration, the search for knowledge has given man the practical results of being able to shield himself from the calamities of nature and the calamities imposed by other man. 【译文2】Man has acquired the practical strength to shield himself from the calamities of nature and the calamities imposed by other man after exploring scientifically and searching for knowledge. 汽车迂回盘旋,穿过村庄,翻越一座小峡谷,沿着一条因解冻而涨水的小溪行驶。 英语名词化造成介词优势 【译文1】The car wound through the village and up a narrow valley,following a thaw-swollen stream. 【译文2】The car wound and crossed the village and ran up a narrow valley,following a thaw-swollen stream. (比较两个翻译) 2. 你得喝几口水,把药丸冲下去。 【译文1】You have to sip some water and wash the pill down. 【译文2】 You have to wash the pill down with sips of water. 3. 有一个有利的证据足以推定他们所讲的是真实的。 【译文1】There is a strong presumption in favor of the truthfulness of their statement. 【译文2】There is an evidence which is strong enough to presume what they stated is true. Put the following sentences into English (8’) 游行的人拿着鲜花和彩旗在街道上行进。 革命不是请客吃饭。 他深信,只有对历史加以彻底研究,才能真正学到知识。 他统治那个地区长达20年之久。 他们迫切地想得到消息。 他五岁时,生了一场伤寒病,变成了聋子。 汉语动词化和英语名词化转换 练习 The paraders marched in the street, carrying flowers and banners in their hands. Revolution is not a dinner party. He is in the full conviction that real knowledge is the end product of a thorough study of the history. He had been the ruler of that region for as long as twenty years. They were news-hungry. He became deaf at five after an attack of typhoid fever. 汉语动词化和英语名词化转换 参考答案 复杂句子翻译的处理 张干周 汉英句子特征对比 汉语缺乏形态变化,在表达复杂思想时主要依靠次序和虚词,经常使用短句、分句和流水句,按照一定的时间顺序和逻辑顺序,使叙述有先有后,有主有次,逐层展开。因此,有人把英语句子比作树式结构,把汉语句子比作竹式结构。 竖起主干,运用各种连接词或短语串起各种成分,形成“枝繁叶茂的参天大树”。 汉语句子如竹子,借助动词,按动作发生的顺序,或按逻辑顺序,一节一节连下去。 Example “你看,我这么想:赶二十七老头子生日那天,你去给他磕三个头。等一转过年来,你再去拜个年,讨他个喜欢。我看他一喜欢,就弄点酒什么的,让他喝个痛快。看他喝到七八成了,就热儿打铁,你干脆认他作干爹。日后,我再慢慢的叫他知道我身子不方便了。他必审问我,我给他个‘徐庶入曹营—


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