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某某大学 学士学位论文 论文题目: 求解高次方程的历史研究 院(部)名 称: 信息与计算科学 学 生 姓 名: 专 业: 信息与计算科学 学 号: 指导教师姓名: 论文提交时间: 论文答辩时间: 学位授予时间: 北方民族大学教务处制 摘要 高次方程的求解是代数学的一个重要组成部分,广泛应用于数学和其他学科领域。在国防、科研、学术、工程很多领域往往都需要求解高次方程的解或确定多项式的零点等。本文在前人的研究的基础上,以求解高次方程的发展时间的顺序为主线,对高方程的求解进行了全面的分析与研究。简单介绍了一次方程的发展理论,简单回顾了一下我们初中时学过的一元二次方程求解的几种方法,因式分解法、开平方法、配方法、公式法、介绍了不是很常用的三次及四次方程的求解公式,论述了各国数学家对二次方程求解到五次方程求解的漫长过程,重点研究了五次及以上方程的解法,介绍了五次方程的解法和伽罗瓦理论研究。数学思想对数学研究和发展的作用是巨大的,数学思想如同数学的概念、定理、法则一样是数学史上的宝贵财富,并且是数学知识所不能代替的。 关键词 高次方程 , 伽罗瓦理论 ,近似解 ,数学思想 ABSTRCT Solving equation of higher degree is an important part of algebra, widely used in mathematics and other disciplines. In many fields of national defense, scientific research, academic, engineering often requires the solution of high-order equation or polynomial. In this paper, based on the previous studies, the development time for solving equations of higher order as the main line, a comprehensive analysis and Research on Gao Fangchengs solution. Introduces an equation of the development theory, a brief review of our junior high school when the school had a two order equation solving methods, the factorization method, the Kaiping method, method, formula method, introduces the calculation formula is not very common three times and four times of equation, discusses the mathematicians the two equations to five equations to solve the long process, focus on the solution of five and above equations, introduces the five equations and Galois theory. Role of mathematics thought and mathematics research and development is enormous, mathematical thought as mathematical concept, theorem, law is the valuable wealth of history of mathemati


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