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摘要 3 Abstract 4 前 言 5 第1章 绪 论 6 1.1 清洗机械手的发展状况 6 1.2 课题的来源和意义 6 1.3主要技术性能指标 7 第2章 液压系统设计 8 2.1 液压系统的构成 8 2.2液压系统设计概述 8 2.3 设计依据 8 2.4 主要机构简述 8 2.5 主要工作机构液压回路的设计 10 2.5.1机械手底座回转液压回路的设计 10 2.5.2清洗机械手吊臂伸缩机构液压回路设计 12 2.5.3清洗机械手手腕回转机构液压回路 13 2.5.4清洗机械手自适应液压回路设计 14 2.6 整体液压回路设计 14 第3章液压系统的设计计算 17 3.1上臂油缸的设计 17 3.1.1 确定液压缸类型和安装方式 17 3.1.2 确定液压缸的主要性能参数和主要尺寸 18 3.2下臂油缸的设计计算 22 3.2.1 确定液压缸类型和安装方式 23 3.3回转机构液压马达设计 28 3.3.1 转矩计算[17] 28 第4章 液压泵的确定 30 4.1 液压泵的主要技术参数 30 4.1.1 主要技术参数 30 4.1.2 各种泵的比较 30 4.2 液压泵的确定 31 4.3 油箱的选择 32 总 结 34 致 谢 35 参 考 文 献 36 摘要 随着汽车保有量的增加,各式的洗车店也蓬勃发展起来,有门槛低,行业里又没有规范的规定,在互相竞争的同时,也造成洗车市场的混乱。一桶水,几把刷子的路边洗车在国内各个城市里见怪不怪了,虽然很多车主明白这样的方式会对车漆面有一定的损害,但是由于其费用低廉仍成为路边店的忠实用户。这也成为这种没技术、没资金投入的洗车模式存在的依靠。虽然车主不在意,但是洗车留下的脏兮兮的污水在街道横行,可并不那么容易被接受。随着整顿力度的加大,会有越来越多的洗车店淘汰传统的洗车方式,引进机械洗车机势在必行,bstract Along with the increase of auto possession, various Wash the garage also flourished and have low, the industry threshold and not the norms, in competition with each other, but also cause car market chaos. A bucket of water, a few brush roadside car wash in various local city inured to the weird, although many owners of the way will understand car paint has certain harm, but because its cheaper still be loyal users roadside shop. It also become this didnt technology, no funds washing pattern existing on. Although owners dont care, but the car wash dirty sewage left in the street, across is not so easy to be accepted. Along with the overhaul intensified efforts, there will be more and more Wash the garage eliminated the traditional car wash ways, the introduction of mechanical washer is imperative, here we model on the plane surface cleaning manipulator, design a applicable to clean auto industry manipulator, to replace the old manual cleaning, this paper focuses on the part of the manipulator cleaning design of hydraulic drive, the design gives a set of flexible hydraulic system. Keywords: Cleaning manipulator ; Hydraulic transmission system 前 言 清洗机械手目前在美国、日本德国应



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