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摘 要 本是针对的火灾自动报警系统设计,对。随着我国经济建设的迅速发展,人民生活水平不断提高,城市用地日益紧张,促使建筑物正朝着高层化、密集化方向发展。高层建筑的特点决定其火灾的危险性和高层建筑的火灾自动报警系统的重要性,一套完整的火灾自动报警系统是高层建筑发生火灾时人们生命财产的有利保障,是能否快速准确地发现火情,把火灾扑灭在萌芽状态的关键所在。This thesis is just for the Automatic Fire Alarming System of The Building of rebuild of Long hua li he shun yuan. Along with the quick economic development of our country and continuous increasing of the people’s life level, the city is increasingly nervous with the ground, urging the buildings just develop in the direction of high and density. The architectural characteristics of high buildings decides the risk of fire and the importance of the automatic fire alarming system. A set of integrity automatic fire alarming system is the beneficial guarantee of the people’s life and property when a high building fire occurs and it’s the key of if people can discover the fire quickly and accurately to put it out at the embryotic place of the appearance of fire. The project design for fire protection that mainly was consisted autoalarm of fire and fire control link the system. Add to designing the code temperature sensing detector that includes in these two major systems, the sense cigarette detector of the code , urgent alarm call of fire , address type alarm button , warning indicator lamp , manual alarm button , for instance: Rivers indicator,overhaul valve of monitoring signal, fire prevention rolling screen door etc. Keywords : Automatic fire alarming system; detection devices of automatic fire alarming system; risk; high buildings 目 录 第一章 引 言 - 1 - 1.1建筑情况及方案确定 - 1 - 1.2火灾自动报警系统的作用 - 1 - 第二章 火灾自动报警系统简介 - 3 - 2.1 火灾自动报警系统概述 - 3 - 2.2 火灾自动报警系统的组成 - 3 - 2.3 火灾自动报警系统功能 - 5 - 第三章 火灾自动报警系统的设置 - 6 - 3.1 区域报警控制系统 - 6 - 3.2 集中报警控制系统 - 6 - 3.3 控制中心报警系统 - 7 - 第四章 火灾自动报警系统设计 - 10 - 4.1系统选型 - 10 - 4.2 防火区域和报警区域 - 10 - 4.2.1 防火分区定义 - 10 - 4.2.2 防火分区的划分 - 11 - 4.2.3 报警区域的划分 - 14 - 4.3 火灾探测器 - 14 - 4.3.1火灾探测器种类 - 14 - 4.3.2 火灾探测器的选择 - 16 - 4.3.3 火灾探测器的设置 - 20 - 4.4 手动报警按钮的设置 - 21 - 4.5 火灾应急广播扬声器的设置 - 21 -


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