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中文摘要 根据电厂输煤控制系统的情况,介绍了PLC程序控制在火力发电厂的配煤系统中的应用以及控制方式阐述了整个控制系统的结构和功能,并对其配置及组成部件作了系统的论述。同时也介绍了可编程控制器(PLC)梯形图的顺序控制设计法,梯形图的顺序功能图的结构及逻辑表达式,并举例说明设计的方法及应用。 然后讲述了PLC在发电厂低煤位配煤程控系统中的应用。火电厂低煤位配煤系统设备种类多,分布较松散,生产管理及设备自动化水平相对主机系统较为落后,耗用较多的人力物力随着机组容量增大,如何提高燃料系统管理水平和生产效率变得越来越迫切,这对安全生产和成本控制至关重要。该文从设备自动化角度对燃料系统配煤自动化发展方向与实现方式作些探讨。 配煤控制系统监控画面的设计讲究通俗性、易懂性、控制方便等特点,另外,通过配煤方式选择控制画面也可以感受监控画面的条理性清晰。 关键词 火电厂,低煤位配煤系统,程控,梯形图,上位机 Abstract According to a coal handling plant control system, introduced a PLC controlled the coal power plant in the system of control and the entire control system on the structure and function, and the configuration and components made The exposition. Also introduced a programmable logic controller (PLC) ladder control design of the order, the order ladder structure and function of the plan is logical expression, and examples of design and application. Then on the PLC in low coal-coal power plant program-controlled system of application. Low coal thermal power plant equipment in many kinds of coal, a loose distribution, production management and equipment automation level of the host system is relatively backward, consuming more human and material resources with the increased capacity of generating units, how to improve the fuel system of management and production Efficiency has become more and more pressing, production safety and cost control is essential, from the point of automation equipment for fuel blending automation system development and implementation of ways to explore more. Blending screen control system monitoring the design stresses popular, easy to understand and control the characteristics of convenience, and, by blending select screen can also control feelings of the rational control of the screen clear. Keywords thermal power plants, low coal-blending system, program-controlled, ladder, PC 目 录 中文摘要 I Abstract II 1 引言 1 1.1 低煤位配煤系统的作用和国内外发展趋势 1 1.1.1 低煤位配煤系统的作用 1 1.1.2 低煤位配煤系统国内外发展趋势 2 1.2 低煤位配煤控制系统概况及工艺要求 2 1.2.1 配煤控制系统的概况 2 1.2.2 配煤控制系统的要


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