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精密校直机的控制系统——JZ—I型校直机设计 目 录 摘要 Ⅰ Abstract Ⅱ 第一章 绪论 1 1.1校直技术的定义及应用 1 1.2国内现状 2 第二章 校直设备的发展与分类 3 2.1校直设备的发展概况 3 2.2校直设备的分类 5 第三章 压力校直机 7 3.1压力校直机的工作原理 7 3.2压力校直机的分类 7 3.3压力校直机的实例介绍 10 3.3.1机动压力校直机 10 3.3.2普通液压压力校直机 11 3.3.3精密液压校直机 14 3.3.4程序控制液压校直机 18 第四章 JZ-I型校直机 24 4.1用途 24 4.2技术特征 24 4.3结构特点 24 4.3.1加载油缸 25 4.3.2机身 27 4.3.3工件挂悬装置 28 4.3.4工作台 28 4.3.5操纵控制系统 29 4.3.6垫铁 31 4.4校直机的维修调整 31 结论 32 致谢 33 参考文献 34 专题 精密校直机的控制系统 35 任务书 摘 要 机械、汽车、电机等行业大量使用轴类、杆类零件,这些零件的原材料在粗加工或热处理等过程中不可避免的会出现弯曲变形,如果不进行校直处理会直接影响工件的后序加工和使用,甚至可能出现相当数量的废品。所以为了能获得下道工序所允许的最小切削量或通过精密校直保证工件达到严格的最终设计公差要求,校直机成了工件热处理后不可缺少的关键设备。校直机可用于校直单体支柱的油缸与活柱坯料热处理造成的变形,亦可用来校直类似的杆类管类零件。另备胎具也可用于钢板调平、压弯、压装等工作。并且本机可专用于单体液压支柱活柱和油缸的一般变形校直。 Abstract Profession massive use axes class and so on machinery, automobile, electrical machinery, the pole class components, these components raw material in processes and so on rough machining or heat treatment inevitable can appear the bending strain, if does not carry on alignment processing to be able to affect the work piece directly after foreword processing and the use, even possibly appears the considerable amount the waste product. In order to therefore can obtain the smallest cutting quantity which the evil ways working procedure permits or through the precise alignment guarantee work piece achieve the strict finally design common difference request, after alignment machine has become the work piece heat treatment the essential essential equipment. Myself design am JZ-I alignment machine, this alignment machine available the distortion which creates in the alignment monomer prop cylinder and the plunger semifinished materials heat treatment, also available comes the alignment similar pole class tubular goods components. Prepares in addition molds available also in the steel plate leveling, bends, the pressure installs and so on the work. And the this aircraft may use in the monomer hydraulic pressure prop plunger and the cylinder general distortion specially alignment. This



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