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毕业设计(论文)报告 题 目 红外线人体感应开关的设计 系 别 专 业 班 级 学生姓名 学 号 指导教师 2013年 4 月 红外线人体感应开关的设计 摘要:利用热释电红外探头并对探头接收到的微弱信号加以放大,然后驱动继电器,可以制成热释电人体感应开关。人体发射的红外线过菲尔滤光片增强后聚集到采用热释电元件红外感应源上接收到人体红外辐射温度发生变化时失去电荷平衡,向外释放电荷,后续电路经检验处理后即可产生报警信号 The design of induction switch with infrared ray of human body Abstract:By using the pyroelectric infrared sensor and the sensor receives the weak signal amplification,then drive the relay,so it can be made into pyroelectric body induction switch. The human body infrared emission enhanced by fresnel optical filter and then gather to the infrared induction source that made of pyroelectric element. When the induction head receives the infrared radiation human body temperature changes,it will lose charge balance.And to release the charge. The follow-up circuit after the inspection process by the integrated circuit IC can produce alarm signal.It also increase the sensor to control the circuit working environment. In the light intensity is very weak environment ,when passing by a human body in 4-5 meters induction switch places. Sensing the ir signal source to receive the human body,then circuit connected and lighting lighting appliances.It will last about 30 seconds. When human action again and then give off infrared.And lamps are lit again. It turned out that when the illumination condition is met, the switch can be convenient to rev. Fly in the ointment is that if bscured induction head it cannot work normally。Application of the human body induction switch have many significance of convenient green to life. And it can also be applied to many public or living in the life. Is a meaningful study. Key Words: pyroelectricity,inductive head,resnel lens,infrared 目录 前言 1 第一章 简述 2 1.1 照明开关的发展过程 2 1.2 现代照明开关 2 1.3 热释电红外感应开关 4 第二章 照明系统总体设计 5 2.1 建筑物自控系统与传统照明系统的特点 5 2.2 建筑物自控系统 5 2.2.1建筑物自动化系统的功能 5 2.2.2 建筑物自动化系统的组成 6 2.2.3 建筑物自动化系统网络构成 6 2.3 人体红外线楼道自动照明系统电路 7 第三章 热释电红外感应开关系统 9 3.1 热释电红外传感器与应用 9 3.



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