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毕业设计(论文) 题 目 网上玩具商城设计与实现 系 (院) 计算机科学技术系 专 业 软件技术 二〇一一年五月六日 网上玩具商城设计与实现 摘 要 网上玩具商城作为互联网商务中一个比较新的方面,目前所知者甚少。由此而引起的专注于其中一个方面的购物网站更是少之又少。有鉴于这种情况,目前开发网上玩具商城是一种比较有尝试价值的项目。通过完成这个项目,可以积累开发的经验,为以后开发其他的项目提供借鉴经验。 本文所阐述的“网上玩具商城”,主要是通过分析现有的网上商城的例子,结合商家的实际需求,和现在的发展趋势相融合,精心设计。最终提出的一个在玩具市场中应用网络购物的体系结构。本系统采用结构化设计方法,应用三层模式成功地实现一个网上玩具购物系统。在本系统中主要实现了用户注册,登录,商品浏览,订购等整个商品的交易流程,并提供了用户对自己基本信息的修改,订单的查询和商品评论等辅助功能。在开发过程中,使用Java技术做框架和Microsoft SQLServer2005提供数据库的支持来完成整体项目。与现今网上已采用的一些方案相比,具有用户使用更简单、界面更直观等优点。 关键词:网上购物;玩具;B/S模式;电子商务 Design and Implementation of online toy store Abstract Online toy store as the Internet business is a relatively new aspect, now known very little. The resulting focus on one aspect of shopping site and even fewer. Given this situation, the development of online toy store is an attempt to value projects. Through the completion of this project, the accumulation of development experience to draw on experience for the future development of other projects. Described in this paper “Online Toy Store”, mainly through analysis of examples of existing online store, combined with the actual needs of the business, and now the development trend of integration, well-designed. Final proposals for an online shopping in the toy market architecture.In this paper, a structured design methodology, application of three-layer model to an online toy shopping system. Mainly in this system, user registration, login, browse goods, order the entire commodity trading process, and provides the user to modify their basic information, order inquiries and product reviews, and other auxiliary functions.During development, using Java and Microsoft SQLServer2005, to complete the overall project. Compared with todays Internet has been used in some programs, with the advantages of users to use more simple, more intuitive interface. Key words:Online shopping; Toys; B / S mode; E-commerce第一章 绪论 1 1.1 网上购物在当今社会的重要性 1 1.2 网上玩具商城的前景 1 1.3 网上玩具商城的切入点 2 第二章 系统分析 4 2.1 需求分析 4 2.2 运行环境 4 2.3 技



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