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编号: 毕业论文(设计) 题目: 院(系) 食品学院 专 业 食品科学与工程 学生姓名 姜飞 成 绩 指导教师 张婵 (职称) 讲师 年 月 诚信明 由本人独立完成观点方法数据和文献等的引用已在文中指出,并与参考文献相对应 毕业论文(设计)作者签名: 签名日期: 年 月 摘要 红曲的药用价值和保健功效日益引人关注,其中洛伐他汀作为红曲主要的调脂因子成为科研热点和红曲产业发展的重点。聚酮化合物Monacolin K是其中一种高效的降胆固醇药物,由红曲菌和土曲霉次级代谢产生,本实验研究红曲霉的代谢产物Monacolin K,通过对红曲霉次级代谢产物的测定,我们确定它产生Monacolin K最多的生长期,然后我们对其菌液进行RNA提取,通过对RNA的逆转录,我们得到cDNA,进行PCR扩增,验证Mokf和Mokh两段目的基因的存在,以及它们对红曲霉代谢产生Monacolin K的重要作用。对红曲菌功能基因组的深入研究,以及相应遗传转化体系的建立与完善,我们还需更加努力。 关键字:红曲 Monacolin K PCR RNA提取 红曲霉 Abstract The medicinal value and health care function of red rice is becoming more and more attractive to people, Lovastatin as red rice main lipid factor become research hot spot and focus of red rice industry development. Monacolin K, one of potent cholesterol-lowering polyketide compounds, could be produced by Monascus spp and Aspergillus terreus. we experiment on Monacolin K which is one of monascus metabolites. According to the determination of monascus secondary metabolites,We determined the growing period when it produce Monacolin K fastest. Then we extract RNA on its microbial. Based on the reverse transcription of RNA, we obtain cDNA, then we amplify cDNA using PCR. We validate the existence of two aim genes Mokf and Mokh and their importance to monascus producing Monacolin K . With the further study on Monascus functional genomics, as well as the establishment and improvement of the corresponding genetic transformation system, we have to work harder. Key words:Monacolin K red rice PCR extract RNA monascus 第一章 绪论 7 1.1 红曲和红曲霉 7 1.1.1 红曲和红曲霉的概述 7 1.1.2红曲和红曲霉的发展前景 7 1.2 红曲霉的生物学特征 10 1.2.1红曲霉的分类 10 1.2.2红曲霉的形态学特征 10 1.3 红曲霉的代谢产物 11 1.3.1 莫纳克林K 11 1.3.2 红曲红素 13 1.3.3 桔霉素 14 1.4红曲霉的培养 14 1.4.1固态发酵 14 1.4.2液态发酵 15 1.5



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