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Rule: Choose a student form each group ,stand in a line . We will give the first student an idiom(成语)about adversity,he can only use body language or english to express this idiom to next student . They transfer this idiom one by one till the last student and the last student should speak it out . The winner will get prize. Discuss the following questions and answer them ,after you answer it you can choose one student who you want to answer too. 1.Have you ever experienced any intense difficulties,hardships or major obstacles in your life ? 2.How do you usually deal with adversity? 3.Do you think adversity can make you grow better and stronger? Part three Here are some brief introductions about some famous people who have lived thruogh adversity ,can you guess who is? 1.Born in Bonn, Germany,is one of the greatest composers. 2. began to lose his hearing in 1801 and was deaf by 1819. 3.The most important representaties in his life is Symphony NO.9 Second 1.He was a US inventor 2.He made over 1300 electrical inventions. 3.Heis most famous for inventing the light bulb Third 1.She was an American author, political activist, and lecturer. 2.She was the first deafblind person to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree. 3.One of her famous works is Three Days To See. Enjoy the music The end .Have fun !!!!! host 钟慧 马超 thanks Thanks Enjoy It!!!~~~~ 逆水行舟 A boat sailing against the current 卧薪尝胆 sleep on the brushwood and taste the gall 柳暗花明 dense willow trees and bright flowers 悬梁刺股 Tie one’s hair to a beam to keep from dozing off or prod oneself awake with an awl in the thigh to keep awake


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