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In December 1980, two bronze carriages, each with a driver and four horse, were found near a big tomb. 1980年12月,两辆青铜马车,每辆配有一名车手、四匹骏马,在一座大墓附近被发现。 1980年12月,在一座大墓附近发现两辆青铜马车,每辆配有一名车手、四匹骏马。 Nobody with any sense expects to find the whole truth in advertisement any more than he expects a man applying for a job to describe his shortcomings and more serious faults. 凡是有头脑的人都不会指望申请工作的人说出自己的缺点和更为严重的过失。同样,他也不会指望广告里的话全都是真的。 The Conservative party was hard hit when War Minister John Profumo was involved in a moral scandal that furnished the British press with headlines for weeks. 国防大臣约翰.普罗夫莫卷入了一件有伤风化的丑闻,给英国报刊一连数周提供了头条新闻,这件事使保守党受到了沉重的打击。 Anthropologist Thomos Kochman gives the example of a white office worker who appeared with a bandaged arm and felt rejected because her black fellow workers didn’t mention it. 人类学家托马斯.科赫曼举出一个白人办事员的例子。她上班时一只手臂上绑着绷带,因为她的黑人同事看见她手臂上的绷带却只字不提,对此她感到不快。 The American confessed to feeling what I believe most Americans would feel if a next-door neighbor passed within a few feet without acknowledging their presence—snubbed. 这个美国人坦承他感到自己受到了冷落,我相信如果隔壁邻居隔着自己几步之遥径自走过去连招呼也不打一声,大多数美国人也会有同样的感受。 Not surprisingly, it was an unwelcome change for senior citizens such as Sabine Wetzel, a 67-year-old retired bank teller, who was told that her state pension would be cut by $12.30 a month. 有一点不足为奇,即对于像67岁退休银行出纳员莎碧.维特尔这样的老人来说,这一变化是不得人心的,因为她被告知,她的养老金每个月要减少12.30美元。 The most important fact in Washington’s failure on Thursday to be-re-elected for the first time since 1947 to the UN Human Rights Commission is that it was America’s friends, not its enemies, that engineered the defeat. 星期四,华盛顿未再此当选联合国人权委员会委员,这是自1947年以来的头一遭。这件事中最重要的事实是,导致美国失利的是美国的朋友,而不是美国的敌人。 The progress to the statute book of the necessary legal infrastructure for electronic commerce has in many countries been delayed by a difficult and politically sensitive debate created by the concerns of l


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