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Translation of Passive Sentence 英语被动句多于汉语,英语科技文体的被动态出现率高达51%。汉语中的被动式包括有形式标志和无形式标志两种:有形式标志:“被、遭、受、挨、让、给、叫、由、经、靠、加以、予以、得到…”;无形式标志:“海水不可斗量。”、“文章总算写好了。”、“乙对打败了。”… 中国:主题思维方式,认为成事者必在人,不必说明,“一切尽在不言中”,语言学上称“语感”或“语言直觉”。 Passive (E) →Active (C) 英语被动句译成汉语主动句 1)以施事者为主语(with the original agent as subject) We are kept strong and well by clean air. 空气清洁能促使我们身体健壮。 He hadn’t seen my family before, and was greatly taken with the beauty of Sophia and the little boy. 他以前从来没有见过我的孩子,索菲亚和小男孩的美貌深深吸引了他。 Our former differences were forgotten. 我们的前嫌已经冰释。 The happy man can’t be harried. 吉人自有天相。 2) 补充施事者(泛称:“人们、有人、我们、大家”等)(with a supplied agent) If you have had such a suspicion, something must be done. 你既然有这种猜想,我们就不得不防。 Mrs. Norris, having asked one or two questions about the dinner, which were not immediately attended to, seemed almost determined to say no more. 诺里斯太太问了一两个有关宴会的问题,见无人马上搭理,便也打定主意不再说话。 It will be recorded that the distance of Hawaii from Japan makes it obvious that the attack was deliberately planned many days or even weeks ago. 我们将予记录在案:从日本到夏威夷之间的距离清楚地表明了,日本这次袭击使在许多天甚至许多星期以前就仔细计划好的。 2. 英语被动句译成汉语被动句 1)译成无形式标志被动句 Such histories… may be compared to a stage coach, which performs constantly the same course, empty as well as full. 这种历史可比作驿车,不管是放空车还是满载乘客,它总是在同一段路程上行走。 2) 译成有形式标志被动句 What concerns research workers even more, of course, is the fact that a certain number of innocent people are bound to be convicted of crimes they have not committed. 当然,对研究人员来说更有关系的则是照样一个实施,即一些清白无辜的人必将被冤枉定罪。 They are bred up in principles of honor, justice… and love of their country. 他们从小受到荣誉、正义…以及爱国等原则的熏陶。 And when Caesar was brought down to their nothingness, he made his last stand to die honorably. 凯撒大帝已遭彻底失败,还是准备做最后的拼搏,直至光荣捐躯。 3. 英语被动句译成汉语无主句或主语省略句。(into subjectless sentence) * * *


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