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14. Common and recurrent diseases have among other things been investigated and studied. 同时,常见病和多发病得到了调查和研究。 15. The signs of China’s influence and success abound in America. (by Reagon) 中国的影响、中国的成就,在美国随处可见。 16. He prefers Dutch chess and I prefer Danish. 他爱下荷兰棋,而我爱下丹麦棋。 17. You should do whatever you are asked to. 让你做什么你就做什么。(让你干嘛就干嘛) 18. To him, the birds sang, the squirrel chattered, and the flowers bloomed. 鸟儿向他歌唱,松树对他叽咕,花儿为他绽放。 C.意义重复: 英语普通词译成汉语重复(叠)词,以示强调或增强修辞效果: great contributions 丰功伟绩 gratitude 感恩戴德 ingratitude 忘恩负义 prosperity 繁荣昌盛 vivid 生动形象 hesitate 犹豫不决、优柔寡断、彷徨犹豫? arrogance 自高自大 grotesque 奇形怪状 careless 粗心大意 in chaos 乱七八糟、杂乱无章、乌烟瘴气 street gossip 街谈巷议 rumors 流言蜚语 1. He gave Lili every dime of that money. 那笔钱他一分一文都交给了莉莉。 2. “But you’re bleeding to death,” protested she. “I’d rather die!” said the injured sister. “可血再流下去你就没命啦!”她嗔(chēn)怪道。 “没命就没命吧。”受伤的一位说。 3. One day he drew some very clever picture of cats upon a paper screen. 有一天,他在纸屏上画了好些活灵活现、栩栩如生的猫。 4. I could not help thinking of this fable when the other day I saw George lunching by himself in a restaurant. I never saw anyone wear an expression of such deep gloom. 那天中午,我看见乔治一个人在饭馆吃饭,不由想起了这个寓言。我从未见过一个人能够这么无精打采,心灰意冷。 5.There have been too much publicity about my case. 我的事情已闹得满城风雨、尽人皆知了。 6. I have been completely honest in my replies, withholding nothing. 我的回答完全是坦坦荡荡、毫无保留。 7. With his tardiness, carelessness and appalling good humor, we were sore perplexed. 他总是磨磨蹭蹭、马马虎虎,但出语诙谐、令人叫绝,我们拿他毫无办法。 8. The mayor of Toledo said in 1932, “I have seen thousands and thousands of these defeated, discouraged, hopeless men and women, cringing and fawning as they come to ask for public aid. It is a spectacle of national degradation. (William Manchester, The Glory and the Dream) 托莱多市长在1932说过:“我见到成千上万的山穷水尽、灰心绝望的男男女女前来请求救济,他们低声下气,苦苦哀求,此情此景,真是丢尽了美国的脸。(冯庆华:P.134) 改译:托莱多市长在1932就说过:“我见到成千上万的男男女女山穷水尽、灰心绝望前来请求救济,他们低声下气、苦苦哀求,此情此景,真是丢尽了美国人的脸。 9. Only a very slight and very scattering ripples of h


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