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Some idols The story behind Bai YanSong Personal introduction In August 1968,he was borned in the Inner Mongolia autonomous region the Hu LunBeiEr city In1985 ,he was admitted to Beijing broadcasting institute journalism(北京广播学院新闻专业) In1989,he was distributed to the central people‘s broadcasting station(中央人民广播电台) In 1993,he entered the central television station “eastern time and space“《东方时空》 He was formally appointed CCTV news PingLunBu host until today His rencent achivements 2008: the ninth session of the Yangtze river TaoFen award(长江韬奋奖) 2009: CCTV “outstanding announcer host” (优秀播音员主持人) 2009: China‘s TV “best editorial show host” award(最佳时评节目主持人) 2010: CCTV outstanding announcer host Hosting style His life’s elements One is the music. He is infatuated with(迷恋) rock music tow is football.He Described his graduated from Beijing broadcasting institute journalism football professional“. He compared to the football on the table of rice Three is psychological adjustment. Especially good to make a crisis, especially the poor to calm, think ahead, good waiting for me? Life’s feeling 1, Then the long way, step by step, also can go through; Then a short road, not feet march cannot be reached. 2, Dont let too much yesterday occupy your today. 3, Greed is a real poverty, satisfy is a real wealth. 4, Suffered cold, just know the warmth of the sun; Of all the hardships of life, just know the value of life. If—— If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you; 假如—— 假如你能——在别人不知所措却对你横加指责的时候,保持清醒的头脑;?? If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, But make allowance for their doubting too; 假如你能——在所有人都怀疑你的时候仍然相信自己,并能体谅别人对你的怀疑;? If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, Or, being lied about, dont deal in lies, 假如你能等待且又充满耐心, 或者,从不用谎言去应付谎言, Or, being hated, dont give away to hating, And yet dont look too good, nor talk too wise;? 也不用仇恨去回击仇恨, 既不故作正经也不夸夸其谈。?? If you can dream---and not make dreams your master; 假如你充满梦想——但


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